Bachelor Program


Bachelor Program  by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta consists of a total of 56 majors from 13 faculties, with more than 1000 experts and a total of more than 32 thousand active students.. 




  1. Providing opportunities for high school/vocational/master's degree students at home and abroad (Sekolah Republik Indonesia/SRI) who have excellent achievements to pursue higher education at State Universities (PTN). State Universities are universities organised by the government, including Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and/or State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN).
  2. Providing opportunities for PTNs to obtain new student candidates who have high academic achievement with a minimum quota of 20% with costs borne by the government.


School Requirements

  1. SMA/SMK/MA that have an NPSN.
  2. Accreditation requirements for eligible student allocation:
    • A accreditation: 40% best in school
    • B Accreditation : Top 25% in school
    • C Accreditation and others: Top 5% in school
  3. Filling in PDSS and student data where only those who are eligible are filled in according to the provisions.


PDSS Data Entry

  1. Schools must ensure that data about the school is correct and verified at the Ministry of Education and Culture's Centre for Data and Information Technology (Pusdatin).
  2. PDSS filling is carried out by the Principal or school officials appointed by the Principal to fill in the data of class XII students or the last eligible class students according to the ranking results.
  3. The correctness of the data entered is the responsibility of the Principal.



  1. Eligible students who already have data in PDSS register for SNBP through the SNPMB Portal using their SNPMB Student account.
  2. Applicant students must read and understand the SNBP provisions regarding the provisions for selecting study programmes and understand the requirements set by the intended PTN.
  3. Applicant students in the Arts and Sports study programme are required to upload portfolios and proof of skills documents that have been authorised by the Principal using the guidelines that can be downloaded from the Downloads menu.
  4. Applicant students are required to print the SNBP Participant Card as valid proof of becoming a SNBP 2024 participant.
  5. Re-registration at the PTN where the prospective student is accepted follows the provisions of the intended PTN.


Selection Principles and Steps

Selection on the SNBP pathway is carried out based on the following principles:

  1. obtaining prospective students who are academically qualified by using report cards and other achievements;
  2. taking into account the track record of school performance;
  3. taking into account cross-majors; and
  4. using national selection criteria and criteria set by each state university in a fair, accountable, and transparent manner.

Selection is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Applicant students are selected based on the order of the first choice of study programme; and
  2. If the student does not pass the selection in the first choice of study programme, it will be included in the second choice selection.


Study Programme Options

  1. Each eligible student is allowed to choose study programmes at Academic PTNs, Vocational PTNs, and/or PTKIN.
  2. Each student can choose two study programmes from one or two state universities.
  3. If choosing two study programmes, then one of the study programmes must be at a PTN in the same province as their original SMA/SMK/MA.
  4. If choosing one study programme, they can choose a PTN located in any province.
  5. The list of study programmes and SNBP capacity can be seen in the PTN SNBP sub menu.


Registration Page

Further information and the registration process can be accessed on the following page: 

1. National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) 2024

2. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta New Student Registration





  1. To predict prospective students who are able to complete their studies at State Universities (PTN) properly and on time. State Universities are universities organized by the government, including Academic Universities, Vocational Universities, and/or State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN).
  2. Provide opportunities for prospective students to take the test flexibly by choosing the appropriate test location.
  3. Selecting prospective students who are predicted to be able to complete their studies at PTN properly and on time based on the UTBK results and / or other criteria jointly determined by PTN.
  4. Provide opportunities for prospective students to choose PTN across regions.


General Provisions

  1. SNBT participants are only allowed to take UTBK 2024 once.
  2. UTBK 2024 results are only valid for participating in SNBT and admission to PTN in 2024.
  3. SNBT 2024 is conducted based on UTBK results and can be added with other criteria in accordance with special provisions stipulated by the intended PTN.
  4. Students who have passed the 2024 SNBP, 2023 SNBP and 2022 National Selection for State Universities (SNMPTN) selection cannot take part in UTBK-SNBT 2024.
  5. Students who are declared to have passed the 2024 SNBP Pathway selection cannot take the Independent Pathway selection at any PTN.
  6. Participants who are declared to have passed the SNBT 2024 Pathway and have re-registered or registered at the intended PTN cannot be accepted in the Independent Pathway selection at any PTN.



  1. Participants must have an SNPMB Student Account. SNPMB Student Account registration can be done on the SNPMB Portal.
  2. Indonesian citizen (WNI) who has a Population Identification Number (NIK).
  3. SMA/SMK/MA students in Grade 12 or the last grade in 2024.
  4. Package C students in 2024 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1, 2024).
  5. Graduates of SMA/SMK/MA Equivalent in 2022 and 2023
  6. Package C graduates in 2022 and 2023 with a maximum age of 25 years (as of July 1, 2024). 
  7. For participants who choose a study program in the field of Arts and / or Sports must upload a portfolio.
  8. Have adequate health so as not to interfere with the smoothness of the study process.
  9. For participants with special needs who are blind must upload a Statement of Blindness.
  10. Pay the UTBK fee.

Students who do not have a diploma in points 3 and 4, must bring a certificate of grade 12 students at least accompanied by:

  1. Identity, including name, class, NISN and NPSN;
  2. Latest photo (in color);
  3. Signature of the Principal/Madrasah; and
  4. School seal/stamp.


UTBK-SNBT Registration

The complete UTBK-SNBT registration guide can be seen in the Downloads menu or here.

While the UTBK-SNBT registration stages are generally as follows:

  1. Login to the SNPMB Portal and Select the UTBK-SNBT Registration Menu. Log in to the SNPMB Portal using an SNPMB account
  2. Complete Biodata. Fill out and complete the biodata, upload a recent color photo, and verify the biodata and download and upload a statement of blindness and / or visual impairment
  3. Selecting Study Program and Uploading Portfolio. Uploading a portfolio is mandatory for participants who choose the Arts and/or Sports study program
  4. Choosing UTBK Center. Obtaining a payment slip for UTBK fees for non-applicants of KIP College
  5. Make Payment. Institutions and payment mechanisms will be informed further
  6. Downloading UTBK-SNBT Participant Card. Enter the SNPMB Portal and select the UTBK-SNBT registration menu to download the UTBK-SNBT participant card.



Participants pay UTBK fees as a condition of UTBK-SNBT 2024 registration amounting to Rp.200,000.00 (two hundred thousand rupiah). The procedure for paying the UTBK-SNBT 2024 fee is as follows:

  1. UTBK-SNBT 2024 Payment Procedure Mandiri Bank
  2. UTBK-SNBT 2024 Payment Procedure BNI Bank
  3. UTBK-SNBT 2024 Payment Procedure BTN Bank
  4. UTBK-SNBT 2024 Payment Procedure BRI Bank
  5. UTBK-SNBT 2024 Payment Procedure for BSI Bank



  1. The capacity per PTN in 2024 can be seen in the PTN SNBT sub menu.

  2.  Requirements to be accepted in the study program can be seen on the intended PTN page.



Further information and the registration process can be accessed on the following pages:

1. UTBK National Selection Based Test (UTBK-SNBT) 2024  

2. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta New Student Registration

Selection of National Academic Achievement - State Islamic Religious Universities





Based on Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Education and Management of Higher Education, it is stipulated that the pattern of admission of new students at UIN/IAIN/STAIN or PTN with religious study programs (hereinafter referred to as Higher Education) in Indonesia is carried out nationally and in other forms. The national selection pattern in universities is called the Selection of National Academic Achievement of State Islamic Religious Universities (SPAN-PTKIN) and other forms of selection patterns carried out jointly by universities are called the State Islamic Religious Universities Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN). Both selection patterns are followed by prospective students from all over Indonesia without distinguishing gender, religion, race, ethnicity, social position, and level of economic ability.

SPAN-PTKIN is a selection pattern carried out nationally by all universities in an integrated system and held simultaneously by the Organizing Committee established by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The cost of implementing SPAN-PTKIN is borne by the government, so participants are not charged a registration fee. The implementation of SPAN-PTKIN nationally followed by 59 universities must fulfill the principles of fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination while still paying attention to the potential of prospective students and the specificity of PTKIN.

Universities as education providers after MA / MA / SMA / SMK / Formal Early Childhood Education / Equivalency Education of Pondok Pensantren Salafiyah / Mu'is Muallimin / Mu'dalah Salafiyah can accept prospective students who have high academic achievement and are predicted to successfully complete studies at Higher Education based on recommendations from the Principal / Madrasah. Students who are high achievers and consistently demonstrate their achievements deserve the opportunity to become prospective students in Higher Education through SPAN-PTKIN.

General Conditions and Requirements

General Provisions

  1. SPAN-PTKIN is a national selection based on academic achievement using report cards and other achievements in the form of portfolios without written exams.
  2. Education Units that are entitled to register their students in SPAN-PTKIN are MA / MA / SMA / SMK / Formal Early Education / Equivalency Education of Pondok Pensantren Salafiyah / Mu'is Muallimin / Mu'dalah Salafiyah which legally obtains a license to operate education from the government.
  3. Students who are entitled to take part in the selection are students who are registered by the Head of the MA / MA / SMA / SMK / Formal Early Childhood Education / Equivalency Education of Pondok Pensantren Salafiyah / Mu'is Muallimin / Mu'dalah Salafiyah respectively.

Student Applicant Requirements

  1. Students of MA/MAK / SMA / SMK / Formal Early Education / Equivalency Education of Pondok Pensantren Salafiyah / Mu'is Muallimin / Mu'dalah Salafiyah last class in 2024.Have academic achievement and meet the requirements determined by each College.
  2. Have a National Student Identification Number (NISN).
  3. Have the report cards of Class X/Semester 1, Class X/Semester 2, Class XI/Semester 1, Class XI/Semester 2 and Class XII/Semester 1 that have been filled in PDSS.


Selection Schedule

PDSS filling

: January 22 - Feb 5, 2024. Extended until Feb 10, 2024

PDSS Verification

: January 22 - Feb 5, 2024 Extended to Feb 10, 2024

Enrollment (Students)

: February 12 - March 15, 2024. Extended until March 19, 2024

Announcement of Selection Results

: April 02, 2024

Verification process and/or re-registration at each PTKIN for those who pass the selection

: Determined at each PTKIN


Study Program and Number of Choices

  1. Student applicants choose 2 (two) PTKINs of interest.
  2. Student applicants choose 2 (two) study programs of interest at each PTKIN.
  3. The order of choice of PTKIN and study program states the priority of choice.



Participants can check their graduation on the web by entering the registration number.


State Islamic Religious Universities Entrance Examination

(UM-PTKIN) 2024



Based on Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education, it is stipulated that the pattern of new student admissions at State Universities is carried out nationally and in other forms. The national pattern of PMB at the State Islamic University (UIN), State Islamic Institute (IAIN), State Islamic Religious College (STAIN) and Universities that have study programs with an establishment permit from the Ministry of Religion, among others, is carried out in the form of the State Islamic Religious College Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN). UM-PTKIN is organized in an integrated system simultaneously by the Organizing Committee established by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The implementation of UM-PTKIN nationally must fulfill the principles of fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination while still paying attention to the specificities and peculiarities of PTKIN / PTTN. In 2024 UM-PTKIN will be held offline at the PTKIN Exam Location Point chosen by the participants and using the Electronic Selection System (SSE) application. SSE is an exam application that uses a computer (PC/Laptop). Through SSE, the implementation of the exam no longer uses paper (paperless), both for question papers and answer sheets.


General Provisions

  1. Participants who are eligible to register are students at MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/SPM/PDF/PKPPS/equivalent education units who graduated in 2022, 2023, and 2024.
  2. Participants who graduated in 2022 and 2023 must have a diploma / Certificate of Graduation (SKL), and participants who graduated in 2024 must have one of the Certificate of Graduation (SKL) / Pass Announcement / ID card / Student Card.
  3. Participants must have:
    • National Student Identification Number (NISN);
    • An active and contactable email;
    • WhatsApp number that is active and can be contacted.
  4. Participants register independently on the
  5. Participants make payment of registration fees through the bank determined by the National Committee.
  6. Participants choose a maximum of 3 (three) Study Programs at PTKIN/PTN.
  7. Participants choose the PTKIN / PTTN Exam Location Point.
  8. Participant registration is declared complete if the participant has finalized the registration. 


Registration Flow

  1. Prospective participants register for an UM-PTKIN account. Select Register for prospective applicants who have an NISN and do not yet have a SPAN-PTKIN account. Username and Password are obtained after registering and sent via email which is listed during UM-PTKIN account registration.  .

  2. Select Login. Use Username/NISN and Password.
  3. Fill in the biodata online at until you get an INVOICE and VA (Virtual Account) number, information on the nominal to be paid and payment procedures .
  4. Prospective participants make payments on the Bank Mandiri Payment Channel or other banks with the following conditions:
    1. Through Bank Mandiri, payments can be made at all Bank Mandiri Branch Office Teller, Bank  Mandiri ATMs, LIVIN by Mandiri by showing / entering the VA number / Pay Code.
    2. Other than Bank Mandiri, payments can be made at other Bank ATMs, and Transfer with the destination Account Number to VA (Virtual Account) through Non-Mandiri Banks throughout Indonesia that support interbank transfers with the VA (Virtual Account) number as the destination account number. (Theere are additional costs depending on the partner).
  5. Participants receive proof of payment. Selection fees that have been paid cannot be withdrawn for any reason.
  6. Participants continue online registration at by logging in again using NISN and Password to select the study program and PTKIN / PTTN exam location point to print the test participant card.
  7. Take the UM-PTKIN SSE exam at the PTKIN / PTTN exam location point chosen by the participant.


Exam Materials

  1. Academic Reasoning (PA) measures the potential abilities of prospective students that can lead to the completion and success of studies at the undergraduate level. TPA consists of:

    1. Verbal Reasoning in the form of the ability to understand language in writing and language skills based on the structure and rules of language in words, sentences, and narratives;
    2. Pictorial Reasoning is the ability to visualize and understand objects or symbols abstractly. Image reasoning is very suitable for predicting the creativity of prospective students;
    3. Quantitative Reasoning is the ability to apply the concept of counting, numerical logic, numerical symbols in systematic thinking and problem solving. The context in the "picture" reasoning test is general, while the context in "verbal" reasoning is related to aspects in daily life which include Indonesian, Islamic, science and technology, education, health, economy and business, and arts and culture and sports.
  2. Mathematical Reasoning measures the ability of participants to understand and analyze the content of simple readings by using their reasoning to solve daily life problems through the application of concepts, procedures and facts in mathematics. The reading is elaborated through various representations (graphs/tables/charts or other representations) to predict and/or make decisions that they need as provisions in facing the demands of 21st century life.
  3. Reading literacy measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, reflect on various types of Indonesian and English texts in a socio-humanities context and science context as well as Arabic text types to solve problems and develop moderate and superior individual capacity as Indonesian citizens and citizens of the world in order to contribute productively and proportionally.
  4. Islamic Teaching Literacy measures the ability to understand, apply and analyze Islamic teaching materials including Al-Quran, Hadith, Jurisprudence and Islamic Cultural History in personal, community, global and moderation contexts to create a civil society. The mastery of Islamic teaching literacy is very important to instill a good personality and strengthen faith and apply Islamic teachings in everyday individual life as well as in the life of society and the nation.




: April 17, 2024 at 08.00 WIB - June 15, 2024 at 15.00 WIB

Finalization of Registration

: April 17, 2024 at 08.00 WIB - June 19, 2024 at 15.00 WIB

Print UM-PTKIN SSE Exam Participant Card

: April 21, 2024 at 08.00 WIB 

UM-PTKIN SSE Exam Implementation

: June 24 - June 30, 2024


: July 8, 2024


Exam Schedule

The implementation of the UM-PTKIN SSE Exam is listed on each Examinee Card and is carried out at the PTKIN / PTTN Exam Location Point chosen by the Participant with the stipulated conditions.


Enrollment Fee

Registration fee is Rp. 200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Rupiah), not including additional fees if the transaction uses a bank other than Bank Mandiri.


Enrollment Page

Further information and the registration process can be accessed on the following page: 

1. State Religious University Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN) 

2. New Student Registration of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta





SPMB Mandiri is one of the new student admission pathways implemented independently by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The selection is held through a series of computer-based written exams, interviews, report cards, achievement portfolios, and UTBK-SNBT and UM-PTKIN.

1. Regular SPMB Mandiri

Selection of New Student Admission for Regular Independent Pathway organized by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta through Electronic Selection System (SSE). Registration is carried out on the SPMB Mandiri Reguler page.

2. Non-Regular SPMB Mandiri

UIN Jakarta offers the SPMB Mandiri Non-Regular path with six types of selection:

Achievement Path Selection 
Non-regular SPMB Mandiri in the achievement path selection is intended for prospective students who have academic and non-academic achievements at the national-international level as evidenced by certificates. This pathway selection includes two fields, namely academic such as science olympiads and writing scientific papers and non-academic such as sports, arts, and tahfidz al-Quran at least 15 juz. 

In this pathway, applicants can have all study programs in 8 faculties of UIN Jakarta. The 8 faculties are Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, Faculty of Economics and Business, and Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. 

The selection of this pathway is carried out through an assessment of the evaluation of report cards from the first semester of grade 1 to the 5th semester in grade 12, the results of interviews by the faculty team, and a portfolio of achievements at least ranked third at the national and international levels. 

Talent Scouting
This selection is limited to schools or madrasas that have a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with UIN Jakarta or have a Cooperation Agreement (MoA) with faculties within UIN Jakarta. The selection process of this pattern is carried out by assessing the evaluation of report cards from the first semester of grade 10 to semester 5 in grade 12, proof of achievement in the form of a charter or certificate, and the results of interviews by the faculty team. 

Equalization of Learning Opportunities
Selection with an equal learning opportunity pattern is a selection for prospective students from Indonesia Indonesia which is included in the Disadvantaged, Outermost and Frontier (3 T) category according to Presidential Decree Number 63 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Disadvantaged Regions 2020-2024. 

Selection of equal learning opportunities is carried out by assessing three aspects. One of them is proof of domicile according to the Disadvantaged, Outermost, and Frontier (3T) areas as evidenced by the KTP and Family Card of the domicile area. The other two, evaluation of report cards from semester 1 in grade 10 to semester 5 in grade 12 and interview results by the faculty. 

BLU Scholarship Selection
This selection path is carried out in a number of faculties and certain study programs within UIN Jakarta. The criteria for scholarship recipients are also determined by each study program. 

There are 10 study programs in four faculties offered in the BLU scholarship selection. They are Arabic Language and Literature, Islamic History and Civilization, and Tarjamah (Faculty of Adab and Humanities); Religious Studies, Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy, al-Qur'an Science and Tafsir, Hadith Science, and Sufism Science (Faculty of Ushuluddin); Comparative Mazhab (Faculty of Sharia and Law); and, Dirasat Islamiyah (Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah). 

Participants of the BLU scholarship selection path are individual participants by registering on the page. The selection assessment process includes evaluation of report cards from semester 1 of grade 10 to semester 5 of grade 12, proof of achievement, and interview results with the faculty team. 

Selection Based on the Results of UTBK-SNBT and UTKB UM-PTKIN Scores
This selection is offered to prospective students using the results of the UTBK-SNBT or UM-PTKIN scores in 2024. The provisions, for participants with UTBK-SNBT results, must be recorded as coming from outside the DKI Jakarta, Banten and West Java Provinces. In addition, participants upload a certificate of UTBK-SNBT score in 2024. 
Similar provisions apply to participants with UM-PTKIN scores. Apart from coming from outside the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Banten and West Java, participants must input their participation number in UM-PTKIN 2024. 

International Student Selection
This selection is intended for foreign nationals (WNA) through bilateral cooperation programs between the Indonesian government and other countries or non-bilateral cooperation programs. Applicants will take part in the selection through scholarship or non-scholarship channels by contacting the International Cooperation Center of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah (


Registration page
Further information and the registration process can be accessed on the SPMB Mandiri 2024 page.

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