UM-PTKIN Information
State Islamic Religious College Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN) 2025
Based on (Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Higher Education and Management of Higher Education), it is stated that the regulation of accepting new students at State Universities is implemented nationally and in other forms. The national PMB execution, which includes: State Islamic Universities (UIN), State Islamic Institutes (IAIN), State Islamic Colleges (STAIN) and Universities that have study programs with establishment, permits from the Ministry of Religion is implemented in the form of the State Islamic Religious College Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN). UM-PTKIN is held in an integrated system simultaneously by the Organizing Committee appointed by the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. The implementation of UM-PTKIN nationally must meet the principles of fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination while still paying attention to the specificity and uniqueness of PTKIN/PTN. In 2025, UM-PTKIN will be held offline at PTKIN Examination Location Points selected by participants and using the Electronic Selection System (SSE) application. SSE is an examination application that uses a computer (PC/Laptop). Through SSE, the implementation of the exam is no longer paper-based exam, both for the question and the answer sheets.
General Terms
- Participants, who are eligible students, are allowed to register at the MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/SPM/PDF/PKPPS/equivalent Education Units who have graduated since 2023, 2024, and onto the process of graduation in 2025.
- Students, who have graduated in 2023 and 2024, are required to have a Diploma/Graduation Certificate (SKL). While for students, who are graduating in 2025, are required to have one of the Graduation Certificates (SKL)/Graduation Announcement/KTP/Student Card.
- Participants are required to have:
- National Student Registration Number (NISN);
- Active and contactable email;
- Active and contactable WhatsApp number.
- Participants will register independently on the official UM-PTKIN 2025 page (Click
- Participants pay the registration fee through a bank designated by the National Committee.
- Participants choose a maximum of 3 (three) Study Programs at PTKIN/PTN.
- Participants choose PTKIN/PTN Location Point Exam.
- Participant registration will be declared complete if the participant has completed the finalization of the registration.
Registration Flow
- Participants must register for an UM-PTKIN Account. Select Register for Prospective Registrants who have already a NISN and do not yet have a SPAN-PTKIN account. Username and Password are obtained after registration and will be sent via the email (which has been listed in the beginning of the registration process) when registering for a UM-PTKIN account.
- Select Login. Use Username/NISN and Password.
- Fill in your biodata online at at or use the UM-PTKIN 2025 Android mobile application until you get an INVOICE and VA (Virtual Account) number, information of the fee, and payment procedures.
- Prospective participants must make payments at the Bank Mandiri Payment Channel or other banks with this following terms:
- Bank Mandiri: Payment can be made at all Bank Mandiri Branch Office Tellers, Bank Mandiri ATMs, LIVIN by Mandiri by showing/entering the VA number/Payment Code.
- Other banks except Bank Mandiri: Payment can be made at other Bank's ATM, and Transfer with the destination of the Account Number to VA (Virtual Account) through Non-Mandiri Banks across Indonesia that support interbank transfers with the VA (Virtual Account) number as the destination account number. (additional fees apply depending on the partner)
- Participants will receive proof of payment. The selection fee that has been paid cannot be withdrawn for any reason.
- Participants continue their online registration at by logging in again using their NISN and Password to select a study program and PTKIN/PTN exam location point until printing the exam participant card.
- Take the SSE UM-PTKIN exam at the PTKIN/PTN exam location chosen by the participant.
Exam Material
- Academic Reasoning (PA): This measures the potential abilities of prospective students that determines their completion and success rates of studies at the undergraduate level. TPA consists of:
- Verbal Reasoning in the form of written language comprehension skills, and language skills based on language structures and rules in words, sentences, and narratives;
- Picture Reasoning in the form of the ability to visualize and understand objects or symbols abstractly. Picture reasoning is very suitable for predicting the creativity of prospective students;
- Quantitative Reasoning in the form of the ability to apply the concept of calculation, number logic, numerical symbols in systematic thinking and solving problems. The context in the "picture" reasoning test is general, while the context in "verbal" reasoning is related to aspects of daily life which include issues of Indonesianness, Islam, science and technology, education, health, economics and business, and arts, culture and sports.
- Mathematical Reasoning: This measures the ability of participants to understand and analyze the contents of simple readings by using their reasoning to solve daily life problems through the application of concepts, procedures and facts in mathematics. The reading is elaborated through various representations of (graphs/tables/charts or other representations) to predict and/or make decisions that they need when facing the demands of life in the 21st century.
- Reading Literacy: This measures the ability to understand, use, evaluate, reflect on various types of Indonesian and English texts in the context of socio-humanities and science contexts as well as types of Arabic texts to solve problems and develop moderate and superior individual capacities as Indonesian citizens and world citizens so that they can contribute productively and proportionally.
- Islamic Teaching Literacy: This measures the ability to understand, apply and analyze Islamic teaching materials including the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh and Islamic Cultural History in personal, community, global and moderation contexts to realize a civil society. Mastery of Islamic literacy is very important to instill a good personality and strengthen faith and apply Islamic teachings in everyday individual life as well as in community and national life.
Registration |
April 22, 2025 at 08.00 WIB - May 28, 2025 at 15.00 WIB |
Payment |
April 22, 2025 at 08.00 WIB - May 28, 2025 at 23.59 WIB |
Registration Finalization |
April 22, 2025 at 08.00 WIB - May 31, 2025 at 23.59 WIB |
Print SSE UM-PTKIN Exam Participant Card |
Starting on May 1, 2025 at 08.00 WIB |
June 10-12, 2025, June 14-18, 2025 |
Announcement |
June 30, 2025 |
Exam Schedule
The implementation of the UM-PTKIN SSE Exam is individually listed on each Examination Participant Card and will be carried out at the PTKIN/PTN Examination Location Point selected by the Participant with the terms that have been determined.
Registration Fee
The registration fee is IDR. 200,000 (Two Hundred Thousand Rupiah), excluding additional fees if the transaction uses a bank other than Bank Mandiri.
List of Study Programs at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta via UM-PTKIN Pathway 2025
- Islamic Religious Teaching
- Arabic Language Teaching
- English Language Teaching
- Biology Teaching
- Physics Teaching
- Management Teaching
- Indonesian Language Teaching
- Social Studies Teaching (IPS)
- Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education
- Islamic Education for Children (Kindergarten)
- Arabic Language and Literature
- History of Islamic Civilization
- Tarjamah
- Religious Studies
- The Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir
- Hadith Science
- Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy
- Sufism (Islamic Mysticism)
- Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah)
- Comparison of Madhabs
- Constitutional Law (Siyasah)
- Islamic Criminal Law (Jinayah)
- Sharia Economic Law (Mua`malah)
- Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
- Islamic Counseling Guidance
- Dirasat Islamiyah
- Da'wah Management
- Development of Islamic Society
- Shari'a Banking
- Shari'a Economy
(Capacity of each department can bee seen here Click)
Registration Page
Further information and the registration process can be accessed on the official UM-PTKIN 2025 website: