The naming of IAIN (now UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is not only a tradition but also a tribute to one of the key figures in the history of Islam in Indonesia, namely Syarif Hidayatullah, or better known as Sunan Gunung Jati.
Sunan Gunung Jati was one of the nine Walisongo who played a major role in the development of Islam in Java, especially in the Sunda Kelapa region, which later became Jakarta.
He was born in Arab in 1448 AD and he was nurtured by noble family, Kingdom of Padjajaran. He received titles reflecting his profound knowledge and spirituality, such as Muhammad Nuruddin, Syekh Nurullah, Sayyid Kamil, and others.
As a preacher, he actively contacted the community leaders and local chief in a gentle and tolerant manner. Based on a heart-to-heart communication, he succeeded in attracting the sympathy of the entire community.
In addition, Syarif Hidayatullah was also known as a leader who cares about the welfare of the poor. He helped them financially, making him smoothly establish a close relationship so that his teachings can be evenly distributed to lower-class people.
Religiosity and inclusivity are highly upheld by Syarif Hidayatullah. He established diplomatic ties with various ethnicities and cultural backgrounds as an effort to strengthen harmony between religious communities.
Therefore, Syarif Hidayatullah became an inspiration for academics in the development of Islam in Indonesia. He is highly praised due to his contribution in strengthening Islamic power through smooth approach, especially in the region of Jakarta.
By combining his name, "Syarif Hidayatullah," with one of his influenced regions, "Jakarta," State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta binds itself to his religious legacy, value, and inclusiveness. As an Islamic higher education institution, it has a great responsibility to continue and practice these values in every aspect of campus life and the wider community.
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta was established on Monday (20/5/2002), based on Presidential Letter Number 31 of 2002. State Islamic University (UIN) is the result of a change in status from the State Islamic Institute (IAIN), which was previously established based on Presidential Decree Number 11 of 1960. Previously, UIN Jakarta was established as the Academy of Religious Sciences (ADIA) in Jakarta on June 1, 1957, which then became the university's official birthday until now.
The logo of the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is a symbolic work of art. Each element of it has a profound meaning that reflects the university's identity and objective:
- Shadow of the Globe (Blue):
- Meaning: Symbolizes UIN's global perspective and the mission of Islam as a blessing for the entire universe (rahmatan lil alamin).
- Interpretation: Shows that UIN has a broad view, leading it to spread the grace of Islam throughout the world.
- Electron Path Line (Blue):
- Meaning: It depicts scientific knowledge, dynamics, and the consistency of divine law (sunnatullah).
- Interpretation: Represents dynamic scientific and research activities, following the divine law that rules all beings.
- Lotus Flower (Sidrah, Yellow):
- Meaning: It reflects the ideals of every Muslim to attain the highest knowledge of truth (ma'rifatul haq) for the greater good.
- Interpretation: Lotus is a symbol of purity and the pursuit of knowledge. Sidrah represents the high ideals to achieve the highest knowledge for the common good.
- Book (White):
- Meaning: Describes a collection of knowledge, life guidance, morals, as well as sources of inspiration and legal principles from the Qur'an and Hadith.
- Interpretation: The book as a source of wisdom and ife guidance, shows that Islamic values contained in the holy Qur'an firmly form the foundation of UIN Jakarta.
- White Line of UIN Writing (Blue):
- Meaning: It symbolizes the rope that binds UIN as a strong, consistent, steadfast university and always prioritizes intellectuality along with morality.
- Interpretation: The white line binds and affirms UIN's commitment to maintain intellectual and moral integrity, as well as loyalty to the principles adopted.
- Blue Color (Globe and UIN Writing):
- Meaning: Depicts the depth of knowledge, peace, and the Indonesian archipelago visited by various civilizations throughout the history.
- Interpretation: The blue color reflects the depth of knowledge and wisdom, while the Indonesian archipelago is the center of civilization and harmony between nations.
- Yellow (Electron Path Line and Lotus Flower):
- Meaning: Describes UIN's ideals towards a golden age, brilliance, and glory.
- Interpretation: The yellow color reflects joy and hope for brilliant achievements in the future.