SPAN-PTKIN Information

SPAN-PTKIN Information

General Information

National Academic Achievement Selection-State Islamic Religious Colleges (SPAN-PTKIN) 2025



Based on (Law Number 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education and Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Education and Management of Higher Education), it is stated that the pattern of accepting new students at UIN/IAIN/STAIN or PTN with Religious Study Programs (hereinafter referred to as Higher Education) in Indonesia is carried out nationally and in other forms. The national selection pattern in higher education is called the National Academic Achievement Selection of State Islamic Religious Higher Education (SPAN-PTKIN) and another form of selection pattern carried out jointly by higher education is called the State Islamic Religious Higher Education Entrance Exam (UM-PTKIN). Both selection patterns are followed by prospective students from all over Indonesia without distinguishing gender, religion, race, ethnicity, social status, and level of economic ability.

SPAN-PTKIN is a selection pattern that is carried out nationally by all higher education institutions in one integrated system and is held simultaneously by the Organizing Committee appointed by the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. The cost of implementing SPAN-PTKIN is borne by the government, so participants are not charged with any registration fee. The implementation of SPAN-PTKIN nationally, which is followed by 59 Universities, must meet: the principles of fairness, transparency, and non-discrimination while still considering the potential of prospective students and the specificities of PTKIN.

Higher Education Institutions, which act as post-education provider for MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Diniyah Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah, can accept prospective students who have good academic achievements and are predicted to successfully complete their studies at Higher Education Institutions based on recommendations from their Principal/Madrasah. Students, who consistently demonstrate their achievements, deserve the opportunity to become prospective students at a University through SPAN-PTKIN.


  1. Providing opportunities and connection to schools/madrasahs by register their students through SPAN-PTKIN so that they have the equal opportunity of attending higher education at a University.
  2. Gathering prospective new students, who have high academic achievements, through the selection of MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Diniyah Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah students.


General Terms and Conditions

1. General Terms

  1. SPAN-PTKIN is a national selection based on academic achievement screening using report card scores and other achievements in the form of portfolios without any written exams.
  2. Educational Units, that are MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Early Childhood Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah and also have legally obtained permission to organize education from the government, are entitled to register their students in SPAN-PTKIN.
  3. Students, who are entitled to take part in the selection, are students registered by the Head of the Education Unit of MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Early Childhood Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah respectively.

2. Requirements for Students

  1. Students of MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Diniyah Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools in their final year in 2025.
  2. Academic achievements and meet the requirements determined by each University.
  3. National Student Registration Number (NISN).
  4. Report card grades from: 10th Grade (First and Second Semester), 11th Grade (First and Second Semester), until 12th Grade (First semester only) that have been filled in the PDSS.


Selection Schedule

PDSS Filling

January 06 - January 25, 2025

PDSS Verification

January 06 - January 30, 2025

Registration (student)

February 1 - March 6, 2025

Announcement of Selection Results

March 27, 2025

Verification and/or re-registration process at each PTKIN

(Only for those who pass the selection)

Determined at each PTKIN


Study Programs and Number of Choices

1. Students can freely choose 2 (two) PTKINs , and also;
2. Students can choose 2 (two) different study programs at each PTKIN.
3. The order of PTKIN and study program choices, which has been chosen, states the priority of their choice.


Study Programs at UIN Jakarta Offered in the 2025 SPAN PTKIN Pathway

  1. Islamic Religious Education
  2. Arabic Language Education
  3. English Language Teaching
  4. Biology Teaching
  5. Physics Teaching
  6. Educational Management
  7. Indonesian Language Teaching
  8. Social Studies Teaching
  9. Elementary Madrasah Teacher Education
  10. Early Childhood Islamic Education (Kindergarten)
  11. Arabic Language and Literature
  12. History of Civilization Islam
  13. Tarjamah
  14. Religious Studies
  15. The Science of the Qur'an and Tafsir
  16. Hadith Science
  17. Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy
  18. Sufism (Islamic Mysticism)
  19. Islamic Family Law (Ahwal Syakhshiyyah)
  20. Comparison of Madhabs
  21. Constitutional Law (Siyasah)
  22. Islamic Criminal Law (Jinayah)
  23. Sharia Economic Law (Mua`malah)
  24. Islamic Communication and Broadcasting
  25. Islamic Counseling Guidance
  26. Dirasat Islamiyah
  27. Management Da'wah
  28. Development of Islamic Society
  29. Sharia Banking
  30. Islamic Economy

(Information on CapacityClick)


Registration Procedures

1. School



2. Students



Through this system, the National Committee alculates student's ranks based on Student Quality (report card grades, supporting subjects, tahfidz, other achievements); School Quality (Accreditation, re-registration index) and Regional Index especially for students from areas which are: less developed, remote, and furthest.


Participants can check their graduation on the web by entering their own registration number


Information and Registration for the SPAN PTKIN Pathway can be checked on the web page