SPMB Mandiri Information
General Information
Selection of Independent New Student Admission or SPMB Mandiri is one of the new student admission pathways implemented independently by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This selection will be held through a series of computer-based written exams, interviews, report cards, achievement portfolios, UTBK-SNBT score, and UM-PTKIN score.
SPMB Mandiri Regular Path is an independent-selection of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta whose graduation is based on test results conducted using the UIN Jakarta electronic selection system (SSE) application. While for the material which will be tested, that will includes numerous aspects of academic reasoning, mathematical reasoning, language literacy, and Islamic literacy.
SPMB Mandiri regular path can be followed in two (2) ways:
a. Offline Examination (On-site)
Faculty | Study Program |
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching |
Faculty of Adab and Humanities |
Ushuluddin Faculty |
Faculty of Sharia and Law |
Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science |
Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah |
Faculty of Psychology |
Faculty of Economics and Business |
Faculty of Science and Technology |
Faculty of Health Sciences |
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences |
Faculty of Medical |
b. Online Examination (Off-site)
The online exam is intended for certain study programs which can be followed by participants from outside the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java. The faculties and study programs that can be selected for this exam are:
Faculty | Study Program |
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching |
Faculty of Adab and Humanities |
Ushuluddin Faculty |
Faculty of Sharia and Law |
Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences |
Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah |
Faculty of Economics and Business |
Faculty of Social and Political Science |
1. Achievement-Based Path Selection
- Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Sciences;
- Faculty of Adab and Humanities;
- Faculty of Ushuluddin;
- Faculty of Sharia and Law;
- Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences
- Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah
- Faculty of Economics and Business; and
- Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
This Pathway Selection includes 2 (two) areas:
- Academic, consisting of: Science Olympiad; Scientific papers writing; Qira ’at al-kutub; Scientific debate; and Foreign language speech.
- Non-Academic, consisting of: Sports; Arts; and Tahfidz Al-Qur'an ’ (15 juz minimum).
The selection of this pathway will be carried out using this assessment:
- Evaluation of report cards from 10th grade on semester 1 until 12th grade on semester 5;
- Portfolio of achievements, with the following conditions:
- Minimum achievement based on the third place in national or international level competitions.
- Evidence of achievements such as award certificates and certificates obtained during MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Diniyah Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah students / Salafiyah Islamic Boarding School Equivalency Education (PKPPS) or equivalent that has a National School Identification Number (NPSN). Evidence must be uploaded to https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id/ page (maximum 3 files)
2. Talent Scouting
Talent scouting is a special pathway that is limited to schools that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and/or have a Cooperation Agreement (MoA) with Faculties within UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The selection process of this pattern is carried out with an assessment of
- Evaluation of report cards starting from 10th grade on the first semester until 12th grade on the fifth semester;
- The results of the interview assessed by the Faculty Team.
3. Equitable Learning Opportunities Program by Government
According to Presidential Regulation No. 63 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Disadvantaged Areas 2020-2024, prospective students from areas of Indonesia that are categorized as: Disadvantaged, Outermost and Frontier (3T) areas are granted with fair opportunities to pursue their education. The selection process for equalization of learning opportunities is carried out by assessing:
- Proven proof of domicile according to the Disadvantaged, Outermost and Frontier (3T) areas (proven by KTP and Family Card from the domicile area);
- The results of the interview assessed by the Faculty Team.
4. BLU Scholarship Selection
The BLU Scholarship Selection is dedicated for prospective scholarship recipients in certain faculties and study programs within UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The criteria for scholarship recipients are determined by each study program. Faculties and study programs that hold this selection path are:
Faculty | Study Program |
Faculty of Adab and Humanities |
Arabic Language and Literature Islamic History and Civilization Tarjamah |
Ushuluddin Faculty |
Study of Religions Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Ilmu al-Qur'an and Tafsir Ilmu Hadith Tasawuf |
Faculty of Sharia and Law |
Comparison of Madhabs |
Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah |
Dirasat Islamiyah |
Participants, who take part in this selection, are individual applicants who represent their respective individuals. They can register through https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id
The BLU Scholarship selection process will be carried out by assessing these 2 (two) aspects:
- Evaluation of report card from 10th grade on the first semester until 12th grade on the fifth semester;
- The results of the interview that have been conducted by the Faculty Team.
5. UTBK-SNBT and UM-PTKIN Score Results Based Selection
This selection is the admission for prospective students by using their UTBK-SNBT or UM-PTKIN Year 2025 scores, with this following conditions:
- The participants are from outside the Province of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java;
- Participants must upload the UTBK-SNBT Year 2025 score certificate.
The faculties and study programs that can be selected are :
Faculty | Study Program |
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science |
Mathematics Education Chemical Education |
Faculty of Adab and Humanities |
English Language and Literature Library Science |
Faculty of Sharia and Law | Legal Studies |
Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences |
Journalism Social Welfare |
Faculty of Economics and Business |
Management Accounting Development Economics |
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences |
Sociology Political Science International Relations |
- The participants are from outside the Province of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java;
- Participants must input their UM-PTKIN Year 2025 participant number (UM-PTKIN scores will be synchronized by the PMB Committee of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with the UM-PTKIN Year 2025 Central Committee).
The faculties and study programs that can be selected are :
Faculties and study programs that can be selected are:
Faculty | Study Program | |
Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan Science |
Islamic Religious Education Arabic Language Education Indonesian Language and Literature Education English Language Education Social Science Education Biology Education Physics Education Education Management Madrasa Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education Early Childhood Islamic Education |
Faculty of Adab and Humanities |
Arabic Language and Literature Islamic History and Civilization Tarjamah |
Faculty of Ushuluddin |
Study of Religions Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Quranic Science and Interpretation Hadith Science Sufism (Islamic Mysticism) |
Faculty of Shari'a and Law |
Comparison of Madhabs Family Law Sharia Economic Law State Administration Law Islamic Criminal Law |
Dakwah and Communication Science |
Islamic Communication and Broadcasting Islamic Guidance and Counseling Dawah Management Islamic Community Development |
Dirasat Islamiyah | Dirasat Islamiyah | |
Economics and Business |
Islamic Banking Sharia Economics |
6. International Student Selection
This selection is intended for international through bilateral cooperation programs between the government of Indonesia and other countries, or through non-bilateral cooperation programs. Participants will follow the selection process held by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, through these following channels: 1) Scholarship, and 2) Non-scholarship. Information for these pathways can be accessed by contacting the email address: internationaloffice@apps.uinjkt.ac.id
The selection mechanism:
- Participants must register via https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id page.
- Participants then fill out the registration form and choose the PMB selection path to get a payment code, ID, and PIN;
- Participants will get a payment code and make payment of registration fees through partner banks;
- Participants then fill in the form data through the https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id page using the ID and PIN that prospective students have obtained during registration;
- Participants then submit the form data and print the test card;
- The selection participants must follow the selection process (exam/non-exam);
- The committee will announce their graduation, then determines the Single Tuition Group (UKT) for participants who pass the selection;
- Candidate students must carry out the UKT clarification process (for those who submit an appeal);
- Candidate students, who are declared to have passed, must make UKT payments according to their UKT group;
- The selection committee will verify their data form and generate their Student Identification Number (NIM);
- Students then print their Student Identification Number (NIM) and temporary Student Identity Card (KTM), as well as the schedule for the language test which will be conducted by the Language Development Center (PPB).
The general requirements to participate in the selection are as follows:
- Applicants who are 12th grade students of MA/MAK/SMA/SMK/Formal Diniyah Education/Equivalency Education of Salafiyah Islamic Boarding Schools/Mu'adalah Muallimin/Mua'dalah Salafiyah students or equivalent that has a National School Identification Number (NPSN) and graduated in 2025, 2024, or 2023
- Applicants who graduated in 2024 or 2023, and have a Diploma degree
- Applicants who graduated in 2025, and have a Diploma degree or Certificate of Graduation (SKL) which contains at least thierr identity information. This also must be included with their photo and a valid stamp
- The maximum age limit for participants coming from Package C is 22 years old (as of July 1, 2024)
- The applicant is physically and mentally healthy, in order not to interfere with the learning process in the Study Program
- The applicants then register for SPMB Mandiri UIN Syarif Hidayatullah via https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id and
- Regular SPMB Mandiri applicants can choose 2 (two) Study Programs, while non-regular route participants can only choose 1 (one) Study Program.
The registration process for SPMB Mandiri candidates will follow this instruction below:
- Fill in the registration form data correctly;
- Upload the required documents in .JPG format, .JPEG maximum size of 1 Mb per document
- Upload the latest passport photo (last 3 months) in a predetermined file format (red background, size 4 x 6 cm, minimum resolution 300 x 450 pixels, maximum size 200 Kb, .JPG, .JPEG format)
- Candidates, who chose the Non-Regular selection path, must upload a scan of their report card from 10th grade on the first semester until 12th grade on the fifth semester, and other documents that are required according to point 2 (two)
- Fill in the registration form data and payment of registration fees according to a predetermined schedule, and:
- If it is proven that the data, which has been filled in, and / or the uploaded documents are incorrect, the graduation will be canceled. There is no refund after this.
- The applicant must pays a registration fee of Rp 300,000, - (three hundred thousand rupiah);
- Registration fees can be paid with the “pay code” obtained after filling out the registration form data;
- Registration fees are paid through designated Bank partners, namely:
- Bank BNI;
- Bank Mandiri;
- Bank BRI;
- Bank BTN;
- Bank Mega Syariah;
- Bank BJB Syariah.
- Registration fees that have been paid cannot be withdrawn for any reason.
SMB Mandiri registration must be carried out until the permanent status. Starting from registration until the participant prints the exam card with the following stages:
- Candidates must access the https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id page.
- Candidates then choose the selection path by clicking on the path. For example by clicking “ Register ” on the Achievement path if they choose the Achievement path;
- After the Registration menu appears,candidates continue to click “Register ” to fill out the registration form and generate a payment code;
- Candidates must click on the Approval of requirements tin order to generate payment code and then get their payment code, ID, and PIN
- Candidates, who choose Non-Regular selection path, must upload their report cards from 10th grade on the first semester until 12th grade on the fifth semester;
- Candidates then make registration payments with the payment code hat have been obtained during the registration process. This payment must be directly paid through teller & or partner bank ATMs or other channels & such as marketplace & that support this kind of payment;
- After the payment successfully been done, the next process is to print the participant card by log in using their ID and PIN on the https://admisi.uinjkt.ac.id page by entering the path they have chosen;
- Participants fill in the data form and then click “ Print Card ” to print the participant card;
- After printing the card, the participant has permanently become a selection participant;
- For participants who chose Regular path, they will take the UIN Jakarta SSE exam according to the schedule and location of the exam listed on the participant's card;
- While for participants who chose Non-Regular, they will be contacted by the Study Program team to verify their report cards. Then, the interview session will be informed according to a predetermined schedule.
SMB Mandiri 2025 Registration Page
Further information and registration process can be accessed on SPMB Mandiri 2025.