Rahmatan lil Alamin: Indonesian Diplomat from UIN Jakarta Reveals the Key of Islamic Diplomacy in International Relations
Jakarta, UIN Online News - The Ramadan Study entitled Islam and Diplomacy was held at the UIN Jakarta Graduate School (SPs) on Monday (3/24/2025). An Indonesian diplomat, who is also an alumna of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Jakarta, presented the discussion forum.
Dara Yusilawati, M.A., emphasized the principles of tolerance in Islam and the diverse diplomatic strategies employed since the era of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which reflect modern style of international relations. Thus, the virtue of tolerance in Islam is pertinent to the realm of diplomacy.
"In diplomacy, we cannot enforce beliefs that are not held by the other party. Diplomacy involves reciprocity while boundaries remain. Certain matters, such as sovereignty and trustability, are non-negotiable," she elucidated.
She referenced the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah as an example of the diplomatic tactic used by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to seek a safe entry of Muslims into Mecca. Upon the composition of the pact, he included the designation "Muhammad Rasulullah". However, his tribe rejected it since they did not acknowledge him as the messenger of Allah.
Instead of keeping that part, he removed it to achieve a consensus with the Quraysh tribe. This wise choice served as a sagacious diplomatic maneuver for the greater good, especially for the high-level chieftain who held the most power in the city of Kaaba.
"Negotiable matters, which are not the primary objective or priority at that moment, can be modified," she argued.
Had the Prophet ordered the inscription of that statement, it would have compelled the Quraysh to acknowledge his prophetic role. This implies that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) disobeys his own revelation of Islamic tenets, which encompass universality in matters of faith.
Dara emphasized that the relevancy of Islamic diplomacy remains ideal in contemporary international policy. Take an example of the Religion of Twenty (R20) conference established in 2022 by Indonesia during its G20 Presidency. This forum functions as a conduit for enhancing worldwide understanding of Islam among non-Muslim nations.
Moreover, Islamic groups in Indonesia, such as Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), exert influence on foreign policy through their R20 international campaign. Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah established educational institutions in Myanmar to assist the Rohingya minority. These humanitarian diplomatic initiatives subsequently garnered backing from the Indonesian government.
"Numerous foreign policies are influenced by the government, yet they are also intricately connected to the involvement of Islamic organizations in Indonesia," she stated.
Conclusively, Islamic diplomacy has not just vanished; it persists in fostering equitable international relations. Likewise, several humanitarian initiatives for Palestine, organized by the community and other Islamic groups, have received assistance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.
(Shanti Oktavia/Fauziah M./Zaenal M./Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: Youtube Postgraduate Student Discussion Forum)