Officially Opened Today, UIN Jakarta Offers Non-Regular Independent Student Admission
- 06 May 2024
- 6 min read
- 1158
Rectory Building, UIN Online News- UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta officially opens registration for new students for the academic year 2024/2025 through the Non-Regular Independent Student Admission (SPMB) route. There are 6 types of selection in the Non-Regular Independent SPMB route offered by UIN Jakarta to prospective students/interested students in studying for bachelor's degrees at UIN Jakarta.
"Alhamdulillah. According to the established admission schedule, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta today, Monday, May 6, 2024, opens registration for admission through the Non-Regular Independent SPMB route," said the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi Kharlie S.Ag. S.H. M.A. M.H, in his office.
Prospective student applicants with the qualifications specified in the Non-Regular Independent SPMB route, he continued, can take advantage of this selection route. "Prospective students interested in studying at UIN Jakarta can take advantage of this Non-Regular Independent SPMB selection route," he added.
It is known that in the Non-Regular Independent SPMB route, UIN Jakarta offers 6 types of selection. These are Selection through Achievement Path, Talent Scouting, Equal Opportunity Learning Selection for prospective students from 3T areas (underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost regions), BLU Scholarships, and International Student Selection. "This route is also offered through the selection results of UTBK SNBT and UM-PTKIN," he explained further.
Achievement Path Selection
The Achievement Path is a selection intended for prospective students who have achievements at the National or International level, both in academic fields (science olympiads, writing scientific papers, Qiraatul Kutub, and others) and non-academic fields (sports, arts, and memorization of at least 15 chapters of the Quran). There are eight faculties that open registration in this pathway.
The eight faculties referred to are the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training; Faculty of Adab and Humanities; Faculty of Ushuluddin; and the Faculty of Sharia and Law. Then, the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business; and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
Talent Scouting
Talent scouting is a selection held exclusively for schools that have Memorandums of Understanding (MoU) with UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and/or have Cooperation Agreements (MoA) with faculties within UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's environment. The selection process for this pattern is conducted by evaluating: 1) Evaluation of grades from semester 1 of grade 10 to semester 5 of grade 12; 2) Evidence of achievements (certificates or awards); and, 3) Interview results by the Faculty Team.
Equal Opportunity Learning Selection
The Equal Opportunity Learning Selection is a type of selection offered in the Non-Regular Independent SPMB route. This selection is provided to provide learning opportunities at UIN Jakarta for prospective students from Indonesian regions classified as Underdeveloped, Frontier, and Outermost Areas (3T) based on Presidential Regulation Number 63 of 2020 concerning the Determination of Underdeveloped Areas 2020-2024.
The selection process for equal opportunity learning is carried out by evaluating: 1) Evidence of domicile according to Underdeveloped, Frontier, and Outermost Areas (3T) as evidenced by ID cards and Family Cards from the domicile area; 2) Evaluation of grades from semester 1 of grade 10 to semester 5 of grade 12; and 3) Interview results by the Faculty Team.
BLU Scholarship Selection
The BLU Scholarship Selection is a selection for prospective students who receive scholarships at specific faculties and study programs within UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's environment. The criteria for scholarship recipients are determined by each study program. The BLU Scholarship selection process is conducted by evaluating: 1) Evaluation of grades from semester 1 of grade 10 to semester 5 of grade 12; 2) Evidence of achievements (certificates or awards); and 3) Interview results conducted by the Faculty Team.
Some study programs offered in this selection include Arabic Language and Literature, History and Islamic Civilization, Translation, Religious Studies, Islamic Creed and Philosophy, Quranic Sciences and Exegesis, Hadith Studies, Sufism. Then, Comparative Religion and Islamic Studies.
Selection Based on UTBK-SNBT and UM-PTKIN Scores
This selection is the admission of new students using the UTBK-SNBT or UM-PTKIN scores for the year 2024. Selection participants based on UTBK-SNBT results must come from outside the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java and must upload their UTBK-SNBT score certificates for the year 2024.
Some study programs offered in this type of selection are Mathematics Education, Chemistry Education, English Language and Literature, Library Science, Law, Journalism, and Social Welfare. Then, Management, Accounting, Development Economics, Sociology, Political Science, and International Relations.
Similarly, selection based on UMPTKIN results, selection participants must come from outside the provinces of DKI Jakarta, Banten, and West Java. To register for this selection, participants must input their UM-PTKIN registration numbers for the year 2024, where UM-PTKIN scores will be synchronized by the Admissions Committee of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with the Central UM-PTKIN Committee for the year 2024.
Some study programs offered in the selection based on UM-PTKIN results are Islamic Education, Arabic Language Education, Indonesian Language and Literature Education, English Language Education, Social Sciences Education, Biology Education, Physics Education, Education Management, Elementary School Madrasah Teacher Education, and Early Childhood Islamic Education. Then, Arabic Language and Literature, History and Islamic Civilization, Translation.
Furthermore, Religious Studies, Islamic Creed and Philosophy, Quranic Sciences and Exegesis, Hadith Studies, Sufism. Then, Comparative Religion, Family Law, Islamic Economic Law, Constitutional Law, Islamic Criminal Law.
Still, in this type of selection, Islamic Communication and Broadcasting, Islamic Guidance and Counseling, Da'wah Management, Islamic Community Development. Then, Islamic Studies, Sharia Banking, and Islamic Economics.
International Student Selection
This selection is intended for Foreign Nationals (WNAs) through bilateral cooperation programs between the Indonesian government and other countries, or through non-bilateral cooperation programs. Prospective participants will undergo a selection process conducted by UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, through the channels: 1) Scholarship, and 2) Non-scholarship. Information on this route can be accessed by contacting the email address:
In general, applicants for this route must be students in grade 12 of high school/vocational school/technical high school/religious boarding school formal education (PDF)/Mu’adalah Educational Unit/Equivalent Education of Salafiyah Boarding School (PKPPS) or equivalent, who have National School Identity Numbers (NPSN) and declared graduates in 2024
Unlike the Regular Independent SPMB route where applicants can choose 2 (two) Study Programs, participants in the Non-Regular Independent SPMB route can only choose 1 (one) Study Program. Applicants register for the SPMB Independent UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta through the website
Meanwhile, the registration period for the Non-Regular Independent SPMB itself is scheduled to take place from today, Monday, May 6 until Monday, May 13, 2024. For the selection process, participants in the Non-Regular selection route will be contacted by the Study Program/Faculty team of the participant's registration destination to verify transcripts and conduct interviews according to the predetermined schedule.
Finally, prospective students can check the profiles of each faculty and study program on the website As for checking information on New Student Registrations (PMB) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta for the Academic Year 2024/2025, prospective students can access it on the website (Released by the Center for Information and Public Relations LP2M UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, translated by Faadhila Idris)