Five Selection Paths into UIN Jakarta for New Student Admission in 2025 Has Been Opened

Five Selection Paths into UIN Jakarta for New Student Admission in 2025 Has Been Opened

Rectorate Building, UIN News Online - Entering the academic year 2025/2026, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta opens registration for new student candidates. Registration is categorized in five selection channels, namely National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Test (SNBT), National Academic Achievement Selection of State Islamic Religious Universities (SPAN-PTKIN), State Islamic Religious Universities Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN) and Selection of New Student Admission Independent Path (SPMB Mandiri).

SNBP and SNBT Entrance Pathways

National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) is an entry point using academic and non-academic achievements. Meanwhile, National Selection Based on Test (SNBT) is an entrance selection system for public universities that uses exam-based test.

SPAN-PTKIN and UM-PTKIN Entrance Pathways 

The National Academic Achievement Selection of State Islamic Religious Universities (SPAN-PTKIN) collects report card-based assessments and academic achievements, while the State Islamic Religious Universities Entrance Examination (UM-PTKIN) utilizes written exams through the Electronic Selection System (SSE). 

SPMB Mandiri UIN Jakarta 

The Selection of New Student Admission for Independent Pathway (SPMB Mandiri), a special pathway for UIN Jakarta, is held by means of a computer-based written exam as its screening method.

According to UIN News Online, SPMB Mandiri UIN Jakarta is divided into three selection lines, including: 

  1. SPMB Mandiri Regular
  2. SPMB Mandiri Non-Regular with report card scores and interview.
  3. SPMB Mandiri Non-Regular with UTBK-SNBT and UM-PTKIN scores.

Important Dates for Each Pathway

  1. SNBP: 04-18 February 2025. Further information can be accessed via
  2. SPAN-PTKIN: February 01 - March 06, 2025. Further information can be accessed via 
  3. SNBT: 11-27 March 2025. More information can be accessed via
  4. UM-PTKIN: 22 April - 28 May 2025. More information can be accessed via 
  5. SPMB Mandiri: April 01 - July 02, 2025. Further information can be accessed via  

For your information, UIN Jakarta has 13 Faculties and 56 Undergraduate Study Programs. Prospective students can learn more about the profile of each faculty and study program through the official website of UIN Jakarta

(Sabila Weliza/Zaenal M/Muhamad Arifin Ilham/Photo: PIH)

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