Yaqut Cholil Qoumas: UIN Jakarta Becomes a Barometer for PTKIN development in Indonesia

Yaqut Cholil Qoumas: UIN Jakarta Becomes a Barometer for PTKIN development in Indonesia

Bogor, UIN News Online – The Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas assessed that UIN Jakarta has now become a barometer for the development of State Islamic Religious Higher Eductation Institutions (PTKIN) in Indonesia. Moreover, UIN Jakarta has contributed greatly to the birth of the International Islamic University of Indonesia (UIII) which is a national strategic program.

Menag also said that one excellence of UIN is the integration of Islam and science, namely the existence of an integrative and interconnective approach between Islamic and secular sciences.

“The scientific integration model is very appropriate to be used as a model for the development of higher education today,” he said.

Yaqut also added that only PTKIN dared to guarantee an academic environment that was far from the nuances of hate speech and extreme teachings for Indonesian citizens.

On the same occasion, Yaqut also said that religious moderation has become the DNA of the Ministry of Religion and is included in the Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJM). “I will continue to supervise PTKIN, because our campus must be free from hate narratives,” he said.

Therefore, Yaqut called on religious moderation to immediately “grade up”. Not only in the form of discourse and strengthening the Islamic mindset of washatiyyah (middle) and strengthening national insight, but also being able to produce scientists that contributes in finding solutions for global problems.

Menag also gave an example of Sarah Gilbert, the scientist who invented the Astrazeneca vaccine from the UK, who received appreciation from many parties because she did not take advantage of her Vaccine Patent Rights.

“I hope that many people like this will be born from UIN Jakarta, especially from the Faculty of Medicine. We will certainly continue to encourage UIN Jakarta to be recognized by the world,” he said.

For Menag, the discovery of a vaccine and the existence of medical faculty at UIN Jakarta are concrete examples of real da'wah (da'wah bil hal). This is also the reality of Islam, which is to give rahmat to the whole world through various recognized researches and achievements.

The 2022 Rakerpim of UIN Jakarta was officialy opened by Rector Amany Lubis and will last until Wednesday (03/09/2022). The Rakerpim discussed the performance evaluation in 2021 and the preparation of the 2022 work program. (ns/usa)