Workshop: Strengthening Halal Literacy and Islamic Financial Literacy of MSEs in order to Support the Acceleration of National Economic Growth
Diorama Room, UIN News Online - Center for the Assessment and Development of Halal Product Guarantee (P3JPH) UIN Jakarta together with the Center for Sharia Economic and Financial Development (P2EKS) UIN Jakarta held a workshop with the theme “Strengthening Halal Literacy and Sharia Financial Literacy of MSEs in Order to Support the Acceleration of National Economic Growth” on Thursday (22/8/2024) and Friday (23/8/2024). This event received full support from Bank Syariah Indonesia and was attended by Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) that have obtained Halal Certification by Self Declare through the Halal Center of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The event began with the opening and remarks by the Director of P3JPH UIN Jakarta, Dr. Sandra Hermanto, M.Si., Director of P2EKS UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag., Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., and SVP Bank Syariah Indonesia, M. Syukron Habiby.
On the first day (22/8/2024), it consisted of several interesting and informative material delivery sessions. Some of the main materials discussed include the Concept of Halal-Haram & MUI Halal Fatwas, Halal Product Guarantee System (SJPH), Policies and Regulations related to Self Declare Halal Certification, as well as Regular Halal Certification Registration and New Product Development through the SiHalal Application.
On the second day (23/8/2024), just like on the first day, it consisted of several material delivery sessions. The main materials discussed include the Role of Islamic Banking in Building the Halal Ecosystem, Internal Audit Monitoring and Evaluation, Building the Indonesian Halal Ecosystem in Strengthening MSMEs, Introduction to Islamic Financial Institutions, Digital Marketing, and closed with Food Safety material.
MSE actors as participants in the workshop activities were very enthusiastic about participating in this event because the discussion of halal certification and Islamic finance was considered to be very impactful for the community in the current era. Through this workshop, UIN Jakarta is committed to continue to support the strengthening of halal literacy and assist businesses in meeting halal standards, which are very important in supporting national economic growth, as well as equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an increasingly competitive halal ecosystem.
Photo Documentation:
(Center for Halal Product Assurance Assessment and Development (P3JPH) UIN Jakarta)