Visiting Germany: UIN Jakarta-Humboldt University Ready to Build Academic Partnership
Jakarta, UIN News Online- UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin or Humboldt University agreed to build a stronger academic partnership. Student exchange, visiting scholar, research collaboration and publication, to teaching Indonesian in Germany are some of the programs that can be followed up by faculties and institutions within UIN Jakarta.
This is the result of the visit of UIN Jakarta leaders to Humboldt University in the academic cooperation initiation visit program to various universities, libraries, and research institutions to Germany throughout Monday-Friday 13-17 November 2023. The visit was led by Rector Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar M.A., Ph.D..
Also participating in this visit were a number of UIN Jakarta leaders, namely Vice Rector for General Administration Prof. Dr. Imam Subchi M.A., Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development Din Wahid M.A., Ph.D, and Head of International Cooperation Service Center Prof. Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem M.A., Ph.D. Previously, the group also initiated cooperation with a number of institutions, including Leibniz University Hannover, Leipzig University, and Berlin State Library.
In a report received by UIN News Online, Saturday (18/11/2023), the visit of the Rector and his entourage was received directly by Prof. Dr. Claudia Derichs. Professor Derichs is the Director of the Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften Transregionale Südostasien-Studien or Institute of Asian and African Studies Transregional Studies Southeast Asia.
Also welcoming the visit were researchers and lecturers from Humboldt University. Among them, Researcher at the Institut für Asien- und Afrikawissenschaften Transregionale Südostasien-Studien Dr. Amanda tho Seeth and Indonesian Language lecturer Institute for Asian and African Studies Esie Hanstein.
During this visit, Rector Asep Jahar conveyed a number of cooperation initiatives between UIN Jakarta and Humboldt University. According to him, cooperation initiatives with world universities are needed to accelerate the improvement of academic quality offered by UIN Jakarta to students.
Humboldt University itself responded positively to the cooperation initiative. Even Humboldt University expressed its openness to cooperate and hopes to be realized soon.
In the report, Professor Maila revealed, several forms of cooperation were discussed at the meeting and are expected to be followed up immediately by faculties and institutions within UIN Jakarta. "The first thing that was discussed and the opportunity is quite large is cooperation in the form of student exchange, where Humboldt University students can study at UIN Jakarta for 1 semester or visit in a short time," she said.
Humboldt University also welcomes lecturers and professors of UIN Jakarta to conduct visiting scholar activities at this university. Humboldt University invites lecturers and professors of UIN Jakarta to access sponsorship from the campus of origin or by accessing available funds from German funds such as DAAD or Erasmus to conduct visiting scholar to the university.
In addition, Humboldt University researchers who will conduct research in Indonesia can cooperate with UIN Jakarta. UIN Jakarta is ready to facilitate with sponsorship letters for research and provide working space for the researcher. Research funds can come from other sources such as Erasmus Mundus.
"Cooperation is even closer in Indonesian language learning. The Indonesian Language Study Program at FITK can formulate what kind of programs can be developed together," he added.
Humboldt University is also open to conducting research with a specific focus on Southeast Asian studies which is the concentration of the Institute of Asian and African Studies Southeast Asian Transregional Studies. The research includes Southeast Asian studies, Social Religion, Islamic studies, and others. The Institute itself regularly receives guest lecturers from various countries including Indonesia.
“Institut Studi Asia dan Afrika Studi Transregional Asia Tenggara juga berkenan menjadi penghubung untuk fakultas dan program studi lain di luar institute, sehingga memudahkan dosen UIN Jakarta mendapatkan partner berkolabrasi,” tambah Profesor Maila.
Telusuran Berita UIN Online, Humboldt University merupakan salah satu universitas tertua dengan berdiri pada 1810 atas inisiatif tokoh reformasi pendidikan dan bahasawan liberal Prussia, Wilhelm von Humboldt. Sebagai perguruan tinggi, Humboldt University menitikberatkan pendidikannya melalui pembelajaran dan penelitian transformatif.
Dalam perkembangannya, Humboldt University sendiri tumbuh menjadi salahsatu universitas terkemuka dunia dalam bidang ilmu pengetahuan alam. Sejak abad ke-19 dan awal abad ke-20 sejumlah ilmuwan dari Humboldt University banyak melakukan terobosan besar dalam bidang fisika dan ilmu pengetahuan lainnya.
Several influential scientists were part of Humboldt University. Among them are Albert Einstein, Hermann von Helmholtz, Karl Marx, W. E. B. Du Bois, Max Weber, Max Planck, and others. In fact, this university is listed as one of the universities with Nobel laureate scientists.
Humbodlt University is also unique in that it eschews the separation of the social humanities from science and technology. Instead, they make both as an integrative collaborative force across disciplines in producing innovations and the best solutions to the need for scientific innovation on various humanitarian problems.
As a university, Humboldt University offers a number of faculties and higher education levels. Among them are Facullty of Law; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences; Faculty of Life Sciences; Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; Faculty of Arts and Humanities; Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Language, Literatures, and Humanities; Faculty of Theology; Faculty of Economics and Business Administration; and, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Medical Faculty together with Freie Universität Berlin). (Maila Dinia Husni Rahiem/FNH/ZM Report)