Visit to Bekasi: UIN Jakarta PMB Team Met Students of Alexandria Islamic Boarding School
Bekasi, UIN News Online - The PMB team of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are still conducting information presentation event of the new student admission pathways on several high schools across Jakarta. One of them was in Alexandria Islamic Boarding School (AIBS) Bekasi, West Java. This event aims to introduce various study programs, facilities, and opportunities offered by UIN Jakarta to students at the pesantren.
The visit of UIN Jakarta team was welcomed directly by the Principal of Alexandria Islamic Boarding School, M. Iswandi. He stated the importance of this event for students who plan to continue their education to higher education. "Event like this is very helpful for us in providing the correct information to the students whom about to continue their education to university. We sincerely hope that many Alexandria students can continue their education at UIN Jakarta,” he said.
One of the PMB team members, Taufan Maulana Fathurrahman, described the brief profile of UIN Jakarta in his presentation. UIN Jakarta is one of the oldest state Islamic universities in Indonesia. The history of UIN Jakarta as an institute before laid a foundation of what it is now, the first Islamic State University.
Further changes were followed by transformation of UIN Jakarta through the development of its faculties and study programs. Now, there are 12 faculties and 1 post-graduate school with a total of 86 study programs at the undergraduate, master, doctoral, professional, and specialist levels. The study programs are also varied, ranging from Islamic Education to Medicine. “Alhamdulillah, most of the study programs at UIN Jakarta are also accredited as superior,” he said.
In fact, UIN Jakarta has recently boosted each study program to be internationally accredited by international quality assurance agencies such as ASIIN and ACQUIN. “This can be a major consideration for prospective students when it comes to choosing a higher education institution to study at,” he said.
For 2025, UIN Jakarta offers five undergraduate admission paths. They are (SPAN) PTKIN, (UM) PTKIN, SNBP, UTBK SNBT, and SPMB Mandiri (Regular and Non-Regular). “The registration process is conducted online,” he added.
After the explanation session, the event was followed by a question and answer session. The team provided an opportunity for participants to ask questions directly to the speakers regarding the selection process and campus life at UIN Jakarta. A bunch of students enthusiastically asked about various departments, student exchange opportunities, and the campus environment.
Meanwhile, Head of the Public Relations Team of UIN Jakarta 2025, Zaenal Muttaqin, revealed that UIN Jakarta is committed to providing wider opportunities for prospective students. They also include santris (students) who excel in academic and non-academic fields. “UIN Jakarta is committed to providing equal opportunities for all prospective students. We hope, through these channels, more Alexandria students will continue their higher education at our campus,” he explained. (Ridho R. Balebat/Yuyun/ZM/Muhamad Arifin Ilham)