UTBK 2019 is now over

UTBK 2019 is now over

Jakarta, UIN News Online – With the end of the implementation of the Computer Based Writing Exam (UTBK) on 25-26 May 2019, all UTBK 2019 sessions have been completed according to schedule. UTBK, which was held on May 25, 2019, total registered participants were 113,189 participants, divided into 58,140 participants in the morning session and 55,049 participants in the afternoon session. The morning session consisted of 34,167 students and 23,973 participants using 2,016 rooms in 64 UTBK Centers. While for the afternoon session there were 29,568 science and technology exam participants and 25,481 social-humanities exam participants.

Ravik Karsidi told UIN News Online on Wednesday (05/29/2019) that UTBK on the 25th of May 2019 there were 32 participants with visual impairment disabilities whose test locations were spread across 14 UTBK Centers. The participants with the most disabilities were taking examinations at Yogyakarta State University (6 participants), University of Indonesia (5 participants) and each 3 participants for University of Sumetera Utara, Makassar State University and Sam Ratulangi University.

On the May 26, 2019 exam, a total of 102,972 registered participants were divided into 52,727 participants in the morning session and 50,245 participants in the afternoon session. The morning session consisted of 32,404 participants from the Science and Technology Participants and 20,323 participants with 1,851 rooms in 50 UTBK Centers. For the afternoon session, there were 27,242 Study Participants and 23,003 Social Sciences Participants with 1,771 exam rooms in 47 UTBK Centers.

Furthermore, the announcement for UTBK participants from 25-26 May 2019 will be held on June 1, 2019 at 10.00 WIB and can be seen on the page https://pengumuman-utbk.ltmpt.ac.id by using the username and password used when registering UTBK.

It was reminded that the UTBK 2019 participants who will register for the 2019 State University Entrance Entrance Entrance Examination (SBMPTN) are expected to pay and attention to the requirements and registration process that can be seen on page sbmptn.ltmpt.ac.id. The 2019 SBMPTN registration is conducted through the http://pendaftar.sbmptn.ac.id page which will start on 10 - 24 June 2019. (usa)