Ushuluddin Faculty Webinar Encourages Revitalization of Islamic Studies Methodology
Ciputat, UIN News Online – The Ushuluddin Faculty of UIN Jakarta held a National Webinar on Islamic Studies entitled “Tradisi Islam dalam Interpretasi Modern: Merumuskan Ulang Metodologo Studi Islam Kontekstual” throughout Thursday-Friday (10/01-02/2020). The webinar is expected to gather various inputs in the form of critical thoughts for the revitalization of the methodology of Islamic Studies in the contemporary era.
Chairman of the Webinar Committee Media Zainul Bahri in his remarks said that the webinar was held on the hope of developing Islamic studies in modern interpretations. The development is needed so that Islamic studies can contribute more to the direction of scientific development and the dynamics of contemporary society.
Such development, he continued, is expected to be formulated in four main aspects. One of them is the formulation of an Islamic study design or a new Islamic study methodology design. "We hope there will be a new design of Islamic study methodology," he said.
Furthermore, there is a revitalization of the classical Islamic study methodology. It is hoped that this methodological revitalization of classical Islamic studies can be enriched in the latest approaches to religious studies in general.
This webinar, he continued, was held to see the extent of the contribution of religious studies to Islamic studies, both in terms of material and approach. Finally, the webinar is expected to reconcile the relationship between religious studies in general and Islamic studies in the context of social sciences and humanities.
“So these are our wishes and dreams for the 2020 national seminar. We hope that we will soon find new ideas and find new methodologies of Islamic studies in particular, religious studies in general,” said Media.
Apart from revitalizing the methodology of Islamic studies, he continued, the webinar was also expected to provide input for academic development in the Faculty of Ushuluddin. Among them are the plans to open relevant Islamic study programs, to develop educational levels at the master level and open doctoral programs.
The webinar presents four key speakers who dissect the methodology of classical and modern Islamic studies as well as the contribution of the study of religions and methodology of Islamic study from a gender perspective. They are Noorhaidi Hasan, Nina Nurmila, Said Agil Husin Al Munawar, and Kautsar Azhari Noer. (usa/zm)