UM-PTKIN use an android-ased selection system
Bandung, UIN News Online – The Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs opens the Inter-Islamic Universities Enrollment (UM-PTKIN) registration. An online egistration is open from April 1 to May 9, 2021 through
UM-PTKIN is a national admission test involving all State Islamic Universities (UIN), State Islamic Institute (IAIN), and State Islamic Religious Colleges (STAIN) in an integrated system. This examination is held simultaneously by an Executing Committee appointed by the Indonesian Minister of Religion.
Chairman of the SPAN UM-PTKIN Committee Mahmud who is also the Rector of UIN Bandung, revealed that the UM-PTKIN 2021 test will be carried out with an Android-based Electronic Selection System (SSE).
“The online Electronic Selection System (SSE) exam will be held May 24 to June 2, 2021. This year, there is a Qur'an reading and writing test, which has also been integrated into SSE” said Mahmud on Monday (05/03/2021).
Mahmud also emphasized that this application is a user friendly application so that it is easy to use.
“The application used can be downloaded via the Playstore. Apart from being user friendly, the application is also able to detect fraud committed by participants,” he said.
As is known, in 2020, the implementation of UM-PTKIN online is getting quite a lot of enthusiasts. The implementation was recorded in the Muri Record as the implementation of online entrance examinations with the most participants (132.929 participants). (usa/ns)