UM-PTKIN Enrollment is Now Open, UIN Jakarta provides 1,384 Seats
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UM-PTKIN admission will open on April 25, 2022. In this enrollment type, UIN Jakarta provides a quota of 1,384 seats or 40 percent of the total quota for admission to the S1 program for the 2022/2023 academic year.
Based on PR office press release, Friday (04/22/2022), the number of quotas is in 30 study programs (prodi) spread across seven faculties. The number of each study program varies, from 28 to 70 seats.
The following is the quota amount for each study program. Islamic Religious Education (70 seats), Arabic Language Education (40 seats), English Education (40 seats), Biology Education (40 seats), Physics Education (40 seats), Education Management (40 seats), Indonesian Language Education (40 seats) ), Social Science Education (48 seats), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (48 seats), and Early Childhood Islamic Education (40 seats).
Then Arabic Language and Literature (56 seats), Islamic History and Culture (56 seats), Tarjamah (42 seats), Religious Studies (28 seats), Qur'anic Science and Tafsir (60 seats), Hadith Science ( 48 seats), Islamic Faith and Philosophy (44 seats), and Tasawuf (28 seats).
The next study program is Family Law (48 seats), Comparative Schools (48 seats), Constitutional Law (32 seats), Islamic Criminal Law (32 seats), Sharia Economic Law (48 seats), Islamic Communication and Broadcasting (80 seats), Guidance and Islamic Counseling (40 seats), Da'wah Management (56 seats), Islamic Community Development (32 seats), Sharia Banking (48 seats), Sharia Economics (48 seats), and Dirasat Islamiyah (64 seats).
For information, UM-PTKIN enrollment type is a joint selection to enroll at PTKIN which is held nationally. The selection was attended by 58 PTKIN plus the Faculty of Religion at Singaperbangsa University, Karawang, West Java.
UM-PTKIN is organized by the Indonesian PTKIN Rector Forum. This year the central committee of the organizers was carried out by UIN Semarang.
In addition to holding UM-PTKIN (written exam), the committee also held SPAN-PTKIN, namely a joint selection based on the results of student report cards at school. (ns/usa)