Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN Online News - Several Student Activity Units (UKM) of UIN Jakarta actively participated in the ‘Socialization of Pancasila Ideology Development, National Seminar, and Book Review’ event as part of the collaboration between UIN Jakarta and the Indonesian Agency for Pancasila Ideology Development (BPIP RI). The event was held at the Harun Nasution Auditorium on Thursday, (05/16/2024).
The Masters of Ceremony (MC) guiding the seminar and general lecture were representatives from the Foreign Languages Association (FLAT) UKM of UIN Jakarta, Trie Artha Rinjani and Jundy Aljihad.
In the initial segment, the UIN Jakarta Student Choir (PSM) UKM participated by having one of its members, Diannity, lead the singing of “Indonesia Raya 3 Stanza,” followed by “Hymne UIN Jakarta.”
During the Qur'an recitation session, Kurnia Afandi, a member of the HIQMA UKM, performed the reading of the holy verses. Halim Munawwar from the LDK Syahid UKM also contributed by presenting a poetry reading.
As a documentation and media information unit for students, the Kalacitra UKM assigned its members, including Fathul Habib Sholeh, Dhiva Maulana Hamas, M Azam Khoiruman, Rizky Nur Aulia, Artika Plorensia, and Cannya Cinta Zahratunnisa, to document the event. These students took turns capturing moments throughout the event.
Meanwhile, the KMM RIAK UKM provided a musical performance featuring a band consisting of Muhammad Fauzi, Nandika Rizqullah, Hafidz Al-Fikri, and Bhaswara Ramadani, along with vocalists Ahmad Al-Hadziq and Siti Shalwa Lutfiah Putri Utami.
The involvement of these UKMs was a direct directive from Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A., Ph.D., who offered the opportunity to UIN Jakarta's UKMs according to the students' talents. “We received directions from the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, communicated through a meeting with our UKM leaders,” said Jundy.
(Nala Zakina/Fauziah M/Noeni Indah S/Faadhila Idris)