UINJ Jakarta to be the First PTKIN to Apply PLP

UINJ Jakarta to be the First PTKIN to Apply PLP

FITK Building, UIN NEWS Online – UIN Jakarta became the first PTKIN (State Islamic Higher Education Institutiom) to implement the PLP (Introduction to School Environment) Program in 2018. This was conveyed by the Secretary of the Jakarta FITK UIN Lab, Dindin Ridwanudin MPd, during the PLP program socialization at the PAI Lecturer Meeting in FITK Meeting Room, Monday (09/03/2018).

"This is a mandate from the Ministry of Higher Education Research and Technology Regulation No. 55 of 2017 concerning Teacher Education Standards, so as a LPTK (Educational Institution for Education Personnel), FITK needs to immediately reconstruct education both in the Undergraduate Education Program and the Teacher Professional Education Program," said Dindin.

Accommodating the Ministry’s Regulations, continued Dindin, FITK made PLP guidelines based on the results of ijtihad itself from the implementation of PPKT (Integrated Teacher Training Practices) in the past years, although in the end the guidelines from the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs (Belmawa) were used.

"From the Belmawa guideline reference combined with FITK guidelines, this year we are ready to carry out the first PLP and UIN Jakarta becomes the first PTKIN campus to implement it," added Dindin.

He added, PLP is more focused on aspects of teaching and eliminates aspects of research and service, in contrast to the previous program, namely PPKT which accommodates all Tri Darma Perguruan Tinggi.

"The discourse research is included in the course after the implementation of the PLP, while the service program enters into the campus KKN program that has been implemented previously, so there are slots each," he explained.

For the implementation of this activity, he continued, it will be carried out for more than 2 months, the PPL 1 which done for 2 weeks to get to know the school culture and PPL 2 carried out for 2 months for teacher teaching and administration.

On the same occasion, the Head of the UIN Jakarta Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Dr. Sururin MA who attended the event added that the teacher procurement program held by the LPTK included academic education or the Undergraduate Education Program and PPG.

"This program is to strengthen the identity of prospective educators and to form readiness as prospective educators," Sururin said.

From this frame of mind, she continued, it can be stated that the preparation of professional teachers must be prepared starting from the academic level, both at the campus level and the introduction of the field as early as possible in school.

According to her, this is intended that as early as possible prospective educators understand, know, live, animate, and have critical and analytical abilities in their profession in the future.

"For this reason, all Undergraduate Education Program students must follow the apprenticeship preparation for professional teacher candidates through PLP," said the lecturer of Religion Psychology, FITK UIN Jakarta. (usa)