UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Visits SMAN 28 Cisauk
Tangerang Regency, UIN News Online - Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta again introduced campus life for students who want to continue their education to college level. This time UIN Jakarta visited SMAN 28 Cisauk, Tangerang Regency to inform the entrance, student activity units, faculties and study programs.
Taufan Maulana Firdaus, as the public relations staff of UIN Jakarta who acted as a resource person very enthusiastically provided information in front of dozens of students of SMAN 28 Cisauk. In his presentation, Taufan explained that various scholarships are also offered for outstanding students.
Among them, BLU Scholarship, Indonesia Smart Card (KIP), Mora Overseas Student Mobility Awards (MOSMA), Jakarta Superior Student Card (KJMU), Generasi Baru Indonesia (GenBi), Karya Salemba Empat (KSE), Bright scholarship, Baznas Scholarship, BSI Scholarship, Social Trust Fund (STF) Scholarship.
"Not only that, usually UIN Jakarta students also often seek wider information related to other scholarships that exist outside the campus such as djarum scholarships and scholarships opened by private companies," said Taufan in his presentation, Monday (08/01/2024).
A question and answer session was conducted to find out the information presented was well received by students of SMAN 28 Cisauk. There are two questions asked by students about the differences in entry paths and non-religious study programs at UIN Jakarta.
For the questions asked, the brave students received appreciation in the form of Official Merchandise UIN Jakarta.
As is known, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has twelve faculties and Postgraduate School. These twelve faculties include the Faculty of Tarbiyah anduruan Sciences, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Health Sciences, and Faculty of Medicine. (Aditya Wardhana)