UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Chooses Microsoft 365 as Workspace to Replace Google to Increase Productivity
UIN Jakarta, UIN News Online - The Center for Information Technology and Databases (Pustipanda) held a socialization related to the transfer of the use of virtual workspace platforms at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta from Google to Microsoft 365. The socialization was held online through the Zoom Meeting application, Wednesday (17/01/2024).
The Microsoft 365 socialization event at UIN Jakarta was attended by the Vice Rector for General Administration, Prof. Dr. Imam Subchi, M.A., staff, lecturers, and students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
Pranata Pustipanda UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Wandy Hanyudha conveyed the reason for UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's decision to move Google to Microsoft 365 is due to Google's new policy that limits the storage capacity for institutions to a maximum of 100 terabytes so that it affects the storage of the entire academic community. The distribution of the amount of Google storage is divided fairly but not a few who feel objections.
"As you have felt for lecturers 5 gigabytes and students 3 gigabytes," he said.
Microsoft 365 is a Microsoft product consisting of Microsoft Office applications and other software that supports cloud computing that can be accessed using devices, tablets, laptops and other devices. In this case UIN Syarif Hidayatullah subscribes to the educational version of Microsoft 365 with the same domain as the previous Google for lecturers and education staff @uinjkt.ac.id while for students @mhs.uinjkt.ac.id. Wandy also said that during this transition period, the previous Google account can still be used until UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta decides to unsubscribe.
The alternative applications offered by Microsoft 365 include Microsoft Word for Google Docs, OneDrive for Google Drive, Microsoft Teams for Google Clasroom & Google Meet, and several other alternative applications. One of the advantages of Microsoft 365 is seen in the role of one application being able to replace the role of several applications at once that existed in Google before.
After socialization through this Zoom Meeting, the Pustipanda UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta team will begin visits to all faculties on Thursday to Friday, January 18-19, 2024. Followed by termination of subscription with Google on Tuesday, (23/01/2024). Then Monday, (29/01/2024) the Microsoft 365 data distribution process will be carried out. Optimization of the transfer process is carried out intensively by the Microsoft team, the Pustipanda team, and the Student Championship team for the next month. (Nala Zakina Zuhaida)