UIN Students Holds Mass Prayer due to Frequent Terrors

UIN Students Holds Mass Prayer due to Frequent Terrors

Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta Students held a joint prayer for victims and families of victims of terrorism crimes in various places in the country. A joint prayer was conducted in the campus yard, Monday night (05/14/2018).

Prayer with students from various student organizations is also involves candles, wearing a black ribbon and carrying flowers as a symbol of grief. In addition, they also together sang Indonesia Raya song as a reflection on the sense of nationality.

Furthermore, the students jointly delivered a statement of attitude by condemning all acts of terrorism in Indonesia. They also support and encourage the government to prevent terrorism by applying education that prioritizes Indonesia's commitment.

"Let's fight terrorism, the government must maximize all levels of education to promote tolerance, diversity, humanity," said Ade Pradiansyah, one of the participants of the action.

At the end, the students also conduct speeches and signatures of condemnation of acts of terrorism. The oration invites all nations’ elements to continue to maintain national bonds and build confidence so as not to be easily divisive by ideologists and terrorists.

On the other side, the Head of Student Association of the Department of Religion Studies of UIN Jakarta, Taufik, said that terrorism is a failure in understanding the teachings of religion. "Even if there is a terrorist acts are those who have failed understand in understanding the teachings of his religion," he said.

Taufik added that every religion that is sent down to earth encourages its people to breed the values ​​of humanity. To that end, Taufik appealed to the public not to link the act of terrorism with jihad to defend religion. (usa)