UIN Provides Scholarships (Bidikmisi) for New Students
Student Building, UIN NEWS Online-- UIN Jakarta provide Bidikmisi scholarship for the academic year 2016/2017. This scholarship is for students from economically disadvantaged families and achievements (Bidikmisi), and graduated from Madrasah Aliyah (MAK), School, high school, vocational school or equivalent (2 years).
According to data received by the news team of UIN Online, the Bidikmisi scholarship this year, from UIN Jakarta supported an amount 205 people provide the recipient with the essential requirements registered was passed in UIN Jakarta from five lanes (SNMPTN, SBMPTN, SPAN PTKIN, UM-PTKIN and SNCA Mandiri) to include a print out proof of entry pass UIN Jakarta.
Regarding the technical registration, can be done online from 27 June till 17 August 2016. After that, applicants submit the file to the requirements of section Student entry pass which includes evidence of UIN Jakarta, copy of diploma/SKHU legalized, Identity Card (KTP/Student Card/SIM), Family Card, Letter Description Disadvantaged (SKTM), proof of payment of electricity, proof of salary slips of parents, home photos, copy of high school report cards and equal semesters 1-6, the top 10 in class, evidence of non-academic achievements, and photograph 4 x 6 four sheets.
Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Prof Dr Yusron Razak MA said, all the new recipients of the student scholarships this year bidikmisi must follow procedures Predefined by UIN Jakarta.
"The process starts from the file selection by the team at the Student Council, if passed the administration, followed by a psychological test and interview," he said.
For information, Bidikmisi Scholarship will cover tuition for eight semesters and living cost, in addition to the facilities where the participants will also stay (Ma'had al-Jamiah UIN Jakarta), and get coaching on a regular basis appropriate curriculum and system of predetermined Head of Unit Ma'had Center of UIN Jakarta association.
More information related to admission scholarship can visit the 2016 Bidikmisi UIN Jakarta at www.kemahasiswaan.uinjkt.ac.id website pages and www.spmb.uinjkt.ac.id, or by contacting the committee at the number: 740-1925 ext 1840. (Translated by Dzikri/Safee)