UIN Jakarta’s tafseer expert Ahzami Samiun Jazuli passes away

UIN Jakarta’s tafseer expert Ahzami Samiun Jazuli passes away

Rectorate, UIN News Online – Tafseer expert from the Faculty of Ushuluddin UIN Jakarta Ahzami Samiun Jazuli has passed away on Sunday (05/04/2020). Information about his death was received by UIN NEWS Online through a short message sent by his family.

This was also confirmed by the Deputy Dean for General Administration Faculty of Ushuluddin Lilik Ummi Kaltsum. According to Lilik, Ahzami was a highly dedicated lecturer in educating his students, he always encourages his students to explore their knowledge. “In addition, he also always encourages his students to remain humble,” said Lilik.

During his lifetime, in addition to teaching at the Ushuluddin Faculty of UIN Jakarta and, he also took care of the Islamic Boarding School (Pesantren) Foundation Darul Hikmah in Jatiluhur, Jatiasih, Bekasi. he also never hesitate to give sermons or Islamic studies for the community. On Friday, March 13, he was still delivering the Friday Sermon at the Darussalam Mosque, Kota Wisata Cibubur, Bogor. In the sermon entitled ‘Menyikapi Fitnah Akhir Zaman’, he reminded the various challenges of world life that must be faced by Muslims.

For information, Ahzami Samiun Jazuli was born on June 24, 1962 in Pati, Central Java. He completed his elementary school to junior high school in Raudhatul Ulum Guyangan, Pati. Then, he continued his education at the Islamic University of Muhammad bin Saud majoring in Ulumul Quran in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

When finishing his master's degree, he wrote a thesis entitled Al Hijrah fii al-Quran. While completing his doctorate, he wrote a dissertation entitled al-Hayah fii al-Quran. Each one is translated into Indonesian and published by Gema Insani Press Publishers in 2006. (usa/zm)