UIN Jakarta will organize the 5th International Conference of Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS)

UIN Jakarta will organize the 5th International Conference of Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS)

FITK, UIN News Online – Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training Sciences (FITK) UIN Jakarta will organize The 5th International Conference of Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS) 2019 on Monday-Tuesday (September 30-October 1, 2019) at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta

Based on the release obtained by UIN News Online, (7/29/2019), this event is intended to provide an opportunity for various stakeholders of education, especially in Muslim Society around the world to share their works, opinions, and experiences in an open academic forum.

The conference itself will focus its discussion on theme “Fostering Future Education: Creative and Innovative Endeavors in Teaching and Learning” and covers 12 subthemes, namely Techer professional development; Technology in the classroom; Cooperation and collaborative learning; Learner or teacher autonomy; Curriculum and policy and education; New Pedagogy and Andragogy in creative and innovative endeavors in Education; Learning / Teaching Methodologies and Assessment; New Media and Technologies for Education; Education and special needs; Training of Educators and Professional Development; Islam and society, and Education in informal setting

Moreover, the conference will invite, a number of keynote and plenary speakers, among them are Professor Mike Hardy (Coventry University, United Kingdom), Professor Lawrence Pratchett (University of Canberra), Professor Nena Padilla-Valdez (Saint Mary’s University, The Philippines), Dr. Wael Saed Aly (Ain Syams University Kairo), Dr. Shirley Ann-Baker (Alliant International University, USA), Dr. Indra Charismiadji (President Director of Eduspec Indonesia), and Fitriah, Ph.D (UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya).

This conference also plans to provide numerous paper presentations, participants are encouraged to submit an original and unpublished papers through http://icems.event.uinjkt.ac.id. (usa)