UIN Jakarta Will Organize ICONQUHAS and AIAT
FU, UIN News Online – Faculty of Theology (FU) UIN Jakarta will organize International Conference on Qur’an and Hadith Studies (ICONQUHAS) and the 2nd Annual Meeting of Indonesian Association of Qur’anic Studies (AIAT), Monday-Wednesday, (November 6-8, 2017) at Auditorium Prof Dr Harun Nasution UIN Jakarta.  This event will invite scholars and researchers of all disciplines to participate in discussing this important history and development of the interpretations and uses of the two main sources of Islam, particularly in Indonesia.
Based on the release obtained by UIN News Online, (7/7), this conference is intended to bring together scholars and researchers from a variety of disciplines who pay particular attention to the current status, the history, and the uses of the Qur’anic and Hadith in modern Indonesia, to share their knowledge and their findings of research. The conference is also designed as an event where they can meet, create, and build an academic networking. Finally, the conference aims at producing a proceeding which is indexed by Scopus.
The conference itself will focuses its discussion on theme “The Current Status and Development of the Qur’anic and Hadith Studies: Sources, Discourses, and Practices†and covers five central themes, namely; Methodologies of the Qur’an and Hadith studies, Living Qur’an and Living Hadith/Sunna, Educational Institutions of the Qur’an and Hadith studies, The Qur’an, Hadith, and gender, politics, science, media, popular culture, and Qur’an and Hadith Studies in Indonesia.
Moreover, the conference will invite, a number of speakers , among them are Prof. Dr. Kamaruddin Amin, MA (Director General of Islamic Education, Ministry of Religious Affairs), Prof. Dr. Said Agil Husein al-Munawwar (UIN Jakarta), Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar, MA (UIN Jakarta), Prof. Dr. M. Amin Abdullah, MA (UIN Yogyakarta), Prof. Dr. Mun’im Sirry, MA (University of Notre Dame, USA), Prof. Dr. Muhamad Ali, MA (University of California, USA), Sahiron Syamsuddin, MA, Ph.D (Head of Indonesian Association of Qur’anic Studies/ UIN Yogyakarta), Dr. Alfatih Suryadilaga, MA (Head of Indonesian Association of Hadith Studies/ UIN Yogyakarta), and Ahmad Rafiq, Ph.D (Indonesian Association of Qur’anic Studies/ UIN Yogyakarta).
Prospective participants are encouraged to submit an or some original and unpublished papers through www.iconquhas.event.uinjkt.ac.id (usa)