UIN Jakarta Will Invite Senior High Schools on SPAN-PTKIN Socialization

UIN Jakarta Will Invite Senior High Schools on SPAN-PTKIN Socialization

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta will invite all senior high school principals (SMA/SMK/MA) around Jabodetabek to participate in socialization on Academic Achievement Tracing for Islamic Higher Education Entrance (SPAN PTKIN). The socialization is conducted in order to provide information about SPAN PTKIN so that principals and students can understand its process and mechanism.

The bureau chief of Academic Administration and Cooperation (BAAKK) Drs. H. Zaenal Arifin, M.Pd.I to UIN News Online in his office, Thursday, (3/2) explained that SPAN PTKIN enrollment system is a national selection system that is based on student grades or achievement in school.

Aside of UIN Jakarta, the SPAN PTKIN enrollment system is also followed by all state Islamic higher education institution (UIN / IAIN / STAIN) in Indonesia under the Ministry of Religious Affairs.

The socialization program will be hold on Wednesday, (3/8) at Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta along with the opening of the 2017 UIN Jakarta Education Expo.

Zaenal explained that SPAN PTKIN is open to all senior high school graduates. Not only from Madrasah Aliyah (MA), but also public schools. However, the course offered in the SPAN PTKIN enrollment system is only limited to religious study programs.

“The general course is only offered in SNMPTN, SBMPTN and Independent enrollment (UM),” said Zaenal.

For Information, the registrations for SPAN PTKIN enrollment will be open in March 4 to April 7, 2017, Administration selection in April 13-26, 2017, and the result will be announced in May 1, 2017.

If the students passed the selection test, they must perform the re-registration in May, 23, 2017. (usa)