UIN Jakarta will accept 6320 new student

UIN Jakarta will accept 6320 new student

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta will accept 6320 new student for 2020/2021 academic year. This quota was determined through Rector’s decree Number 43, 2020. According to the decree, the quota is distributed through five enrolment types, namely Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SNMPTN (National Enrollment for State Higher Education Entrance, Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/SBMPTN (Joint Enrollment for State Higher Education Entrance), Seleksi Prestasi Akademik Nasional Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri/SPAN-PTKIN, Ujian Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri/UM-PTKIN, and Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru/SPMB (Independent Enrollment).

At SNMPTN, UIN Jakarta provides a quota for 941 new students. Through the SPAN PTKIN, UIN Jakarta provides a quota for 942 new students. Through the UM-PTKIN, UIN Jakarta provided a quota of 1,306 new students. While on the SBMPTN, UIN Jakarta also provides quite a lot of quota, which is 1206 new students. For the SPMB Mandiri, UIN Jakarta provides a quota for 1,931 new students.

It is known, SNMPTN is one of the new student enrolment type with a selection mechanism through through report cards and academic portfolios. The registration period for this enrolment type opens on 12-25 February 2020 and the results will be announced on 4 April 2020. Further information can be accessed through https://www.snmptn.ac.id.

The second enrolment type is SBMPTN. This enrolment type uses a written or computer-based test conducted by 85 national public universities, including UIN Jakarta.

Like the SNMPTN, SPAN PTKIN is a national selection within the State Islamic Religious Higher Education Institution based on academic achievements using report cards and other achievements, without a written test. Unlike SNMPTN which offers general science study programs, SPAN PTKIN offers Islamic-based study programs.

The registration period for SPAN PTKIN itself runs from February 3-28. The test will be divided into two batches, 02-13 March 2020 and 16-20 March 2020. The result will be announced on April 10, 2020. Registration information for the PTKIN SPAN path can be accessed through http://span-ptkin.ac.id/page.

The fourth enrolment type, UM-PTKIN is a national selection model by all PTKIN both the State Islamic University (UIN) group, the State Islamic Religion Institute (IAIN), and State Islamic Religion Colleges (STAIN) throughout Indonesia. The registration period for this path takes place April 15-June 1, 2020 and written examinations on June 15-24 2020. The result will be announced on July 3, 2020.

Finally, the SPMB Mandiri is a selection path conducted independently by UIN Jakarta. The registration period for this track runs from 5 April 2020-15 July 2020 and the exam is held on 20-26 July 2020. The result will be announced 31 July 2020.

Separately, the UIN Jakarta’s Head of Academic Affairs Rasi’in said that the various enrollment types were offered with a transparent selection design. It aims to provide equal opportunities for all applicants to access learning opportunities at UIN Jakarta. “Therefore, for those who have not yet registered, please register through the provided enrolment types,” said Rasi’in. (usa/zm)