UIN Jakarta Welcomes 10.181 New Students
UIN Jakarta Field, UIN News Online — UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta welcomed around 10.181 new students to the 2024 Introduction to Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) with a hybrid event held at UIN Jakarta Field. The event, infused with excitement and anticipation, brought together students from various faculties, including Adab and Humanities, Economics and Business, Psychology, Social and Political Sciences, and Science and Technology. Other faculties participated through an online live stream via UIN Jakarta’s YouTube channel.
The ceremony opened with a unique paskibra formation that proudly displayed the number 67, celebrating UIN Jakarta’s 67th year. Salamah Agung, M.A., Ph.D., the chief organizer, alongside committee representative Muhammad Zaki Al Faraq, delivered an insightful report on the PBAK 2024 activities.
UIN Jakarta’s Rector, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., addressed the new students with words of wisdom and encouragement. “You are now officially part of UIN Jakarta, a place where knowledge is deeply intertwined with Islamic principles, offering a distinctive educational experience unlike any other,” he said.
The rector then led a symbolic ceremony where new students from each faculty received their alma mater jackets, accompanied by their respective deans. This act was followed by the recitation of the "Panca Satya Mahasiswa" pledge, a prayer session, and the patriotic song "Bagimu Negeri," culminating in the final report by the ceremony commander.
Adding to the event's significance, popular public figure Raditya Dika delivered an engaging and motivational speech. “Make the most of your university years. Discover what you excel at, and use that as a foundation for your future,” Raditya advised, emphasizing the importance of self-discovery and personal growth.
He further highlighted the value of networking and embracing different perspectives. “Every challenge is an opportunity for growth. How you turn your limitations into strengths will define your journey,” he added.
The PBAK 2024 event was also marked by vibrant performances from a marching band and speeches from the heads of the Student Senate (SEMA) and the Student Executive Board (DEMA).
With the theme “Sustainable Campus, Continuous Achievement,” PBAK 2024 is set to equip UIN Jakarta’s new students with the skills, mindset, and resilience needed to excel academically and contribute meaningfully to society.
Catch the full event on UIN Jakarta’s YouTube channel.
Photo Documentation:
(Rizkiyah Gustiana N./Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: M. Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)