UIN Jakarta Visits 5 Schools in Sleman

UIN Jakarta Visits 5 Schools in Sleman

Sleman, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta visits five top-level schools in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, on 15-17 November 2018. Visits are held in order to socialize the campus and provide information on the selection of prospective new students, especially for 12th grade students .

The first visit was carried out in four schools, MAN 1, SMAN 1, MAN 4, and MA Wahid Hadyim Islamic Boarding School, while the second visit was conducted at MAN 2. Socialization in schools was carried out by a team from the Publication and Documentation Subdivision  which divided into two teams.

The Chairman of the Socialization Team Rudy Subiyantoro said, UIN Jakarta needs to organize a lot of socialization to various regions in Indonesia, even go abroad if necessary. It was important to introduce the UIN Jakarta campus to the public at large. The reason is, although quantitatively the interest in entering the Jakarta UIN every year continues to increase, but that does not mean that socialization is not important.

He also said that UIN Jakarta also needed to provide complete information about the vision and mission and the purpose of its establishment. Not just a matter of academic information, but also a noble mission and orientation towards the nation and state.

"UIN Jakarta is a campus that develops modern Islamic thought, is inclusive and highly promotes democratic values ​​and tolerance to its students," explained Rudi.

Meanwhile, Jakarta UIN visits to schools in Sleman were considered effective. Almost every student looks enthusiastic to listen to the information conveyed by the team. In fact, according to the acknowledgment of one of the students, the provision of information about entering university, especially to UIN Jakarta, at least opened up insights on how to choose a department and lecture system.

"I am very grateful for the information provided in UIN Jakarta. I just found out that UIN is not only in Yogyakarta but also in Jakarta and even throughout Indonesia, "said Handayani, a 12th grade science student from MAN 1.

In the ocassion, the socialization team explained how to choose any study program and pathway to enter UIN Jakarta in detail. Besides that, they also explained about the activities on campus and the lecture system held in UIN Jakarta. (usa-rs)