UIN Jakarta-UHN Bali agree to collaborate on campus development
Diorama Room, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta and State Hindu University (UHN) Bali signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on campus development, both in the fields of education and teaching, research, and community service.
The MoU signing ceremony was held in the Diorama Room on Friday (11/26/2021), between the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amanyy Lubis, represented by Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development Lily Surayya Eka Putri and the Rector of UHN Bali I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana.
In addition to the MoU cooperation between UIN and UHN, a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) was also signed between the Graduate School (SPs) of UIN Jakarta and the UHN Postgraduate Program as well as between the Ushuluddin Faculty and the Brahma Widya Faculty.
Rector of UHN Bali I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana to UIN News Online said that the collaboration with UIN Jakarta was carried out in the context of benchmarking to accelerate UHN towards a world class university (WCU) in 2033. This determination is in accordance with the declaration of UHN to become WCU in March 2021 by the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qaumas.
“UHN feels motivated by the dream of becoming a WCU. Therefore, if it takes five years to become a WCU, we actually want four years faster,” said Gusti.
Until now, UHN itself is continuing to improve. These include strengthening the accreditation of institutions, study programs, research, and human resources (HR).
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development Lily Surayya Eka Putri appreciated this collaboration. He hopes that UIN Jakarta and UHN will become strategic partners in the development of research and science.
UHN I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Bali is the result of the transformation of the Hindu Dharma Negeri Institute (IHDN) after becoming a university on January 23, 2020. Currently, UHN only has three faculties, namely the Dharma Acarya Faculty with five study programs, the Dharma Duta Faculty with three study programs, and the Brahma Widya Faculty with three study programs.
Meanwhile, for the graduate Program, UHN opened the Dharma Acarya Masters Study Program, Brahma Widya Masters Study Program, Religious Literature and Balinese Language Education Masters Study Program, Hindu Communication Science Masters Study Program, and Religious Science Doctoral Study Program. (usa/ns)