UIN Jakarta to Share Happiness With the People of Cikuya
Cikuya Balaraja, UIN News Online – To celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA, accompanied by Vice Rector of Academic Affairs Dr. Fadhilah Suralaga, M.Si., Vice Rector of Student AffairsProf. Dr. Yusran Razak, MA, Vice Rector of Cooperation Prof. Dr. Murodi, M.Ag. The Deans and other officials symbolically handed over two cows and a sheep to the people of Cikuya, Balaraja, Tangerang (9/14).
On his remarks, rector hopes the sacrificial cattle meats can be distributed to the villagers of Cikuya. “It has become our responsibility to distribute the Qurbani meats to those who deserved it. This activity is also intended to maintain the silaturahim between UIN Jakarta and the people of Cikuya†He said.
At the same place, the rector also reviewed the dam construction plan which will be used as a water supply and irrigation facilities. “The dam will be built here next year with an area of approximately one hectare.†Said the Head of Accounting and Financial Reporting Division Encep DImiyati,S.Ag, M.Ag to UIN News Online.
Furthermore, the Rector also inaugurated newly constructed the guest house. The guest house will be used as the residence for the students while performing community service program.
The rector also hoped that the guest house can be utilized to carry out the Tridharma Perguruan tinggi (the university’s three main responsibilities of education, research, and community service).
“I hope this building will be able to support the activity of UIN Jakarta academicians.†He hoped.
In other places, the Head of Planning and Finance Bureau Drs. H. Subarja, M.Pd explained, after the inauguration of the guest house, there will be other plans, such as the appointment of volunteer, the land use planning, and advanced certificate for 13 hectares of area.
“In the near future, we will build the entrance gate to UIN Jakarta Development Campus Cikuya Solear.†He said. (ika p/umar)