UIN Jakarta to Host Socialization of SBMPTN 2016
Auditorium Harun Nasution, UIN NEWS Online— UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta to host the socialization of SBMPTN 2016. The event was attended four universities to take place in the courtyard of Harun Nasution Auditorium, Saturday (30/04).
Four universities were participated in the socialization of SBMPTN namely State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, Jakarta State University (UNJ), University of Indonesia (UI), and the National Development University (UPN) Veteran Jakarta.
In the meeting with UIN News Online Team, Head of Academic Unit Ir Yarsi Berlianti said, the purpose of the socialization SBMPTN 2016 to provide clear information about the flow and the technique of registering through SBMPTN to the public and prospective students of UIN Jakarta.
"In addition to providing information, it is expected with this socialization is also able to attract more students to enroll into UIN Jakarta," he said optimistically.
Based on data obtained from the Local Organizing Committee (Panlok), this year the quota provided total 99 223 people for 78 college freshmen receivers. SBMPTN 2016 has been opened since 25 April and will end May 20, 2016. Further information about SBMPTN can visit the page https://sbmptn.ac.id. (LRF)
Translated by: Rany Setyasari