UIN Jakarta supports the MORA public services transformation program

UIN Jakarta supports the MORA public services transformation program

Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta supports the strategic efforts taken by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA) in order to accelerate the public services transformation program in each work unit, including at UIN Jakarta.

This was said by Rector Amany after attending the virtual MORA’s national work meeting on Monday (04/05/2021). The national works meeting entitled “Percepatan Transformasi Layanan Publik” was officially opened by the Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholis Qoumas and attended by around 10,000 participants from all over Indonesia.

According to Amany, the acceleration of public services is expected to have an accountable, transparent, and real-time service impact. Responsive public services can also increase public trust in a public institution.

“As a public institution, UIN Jakarta will continue to carry out bureaucratic reform, especially in the areas of organizational governance, administrative systems and increasing human resource development,” said Rector.

She also said that the accelaration of the MORA’s public services transformation program is in line with one of the performance targets of UIN Jakarta, which was discussed at the Leadership Working Meeting (Rakerpim) in February 2021 and has been synchronized in the form the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan between the MORA and UIN Jakarta.

“Therefore, the performance achievements of MORA and UIN Jakarta can go hand in hand in order to realize the national development goals as outlined in the 2020-2024 National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the 2005-2025 Long Term Development Plan (RPJP),” she said.

Furthermore, Rector also hopes that the acceleration of public service transformation will be able to create good university governance. “We have Knowlegde, Piety, and Integrity as our motto. This motto must be supported and implemented by the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta,” she added. (usa/ns)