"UIN Jakarta Successfully Hosts International Seminar on Da'wah and Communication"

"UIN Jakarta Successfully Hosts International Seminar on Da'wah and Communication"

Ciputat, UIN News Online - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with Hayrat Foundation Indonesia under the auspices of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences held an International Seminar themed The Role of Da'wa and Modern Sciences in the Future of Islam: Lessons from Turkiye, Indonesia and Malaysia, at Harun Nasution Auditorium on Thursday (26/9/2024).

The Rector of UIN Jakarta, represented by the Vice Rector for Student Affairs Prof. Ali Munhanif, M.A., Ph.D., conveyed the importance of collaboration between Muslim countries in a global context. He emphasized that as Muslim-majority countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey have the responsibility to support and collaborate with each other to achieve common goals. “This seminar will provide stronger engagement and collaboration between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey,” Prof. Ali said.

Prof. Ali explained that this collaboration will not only strengthen the development of Islamic science, but also support technological innovations that benefit the people. He is optimistic that by establishing good cooperation, the three countries can exchange knowledge and experience, so as to overcome various challenges faced in this modern era. “Through this collaboration, we not only build networks, but also create opportunities for wider development,” he said.

Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences of UIN Jakarta, Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si in his speech revealed that this event is a form of collaboration between Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey in promoting da'wah globally. He emphasized the importance of cooperation between countries in spreading the message of da'wah. “The importance of collaboration in da'wah between these three countries cannot be underestimated,” said Dr. Gun Gun.

Dr. Gun Gun said that with this collaboration, it is expected to strengthen the role of da'wah in building a better society at the international level. He also highlighted that country differences are not a barrier, but rather a representation of each country's unique strengths. “A nation is not defined by its borders or separateness, but by how it represents itself through collaboration,” said the Dean.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Indonesia, H.E. Prof. Dr. Talip Küçükcan in his speech expressed his views on the many perspectives and diversity that exist in the world. He emphasized that Islam is present as a unifying force in the midst of these differences.

Prof. Talip pointed out that with the universal values taught by Islam, differences are no longer a separator, but a foundation for the creation of global peace and harmony. “In a world filled with diverse perspectives, Islam stands as a bridge that unites this diversity,” he said.

The main discussion at this international seminar began with a presentation by Professor of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, Prof. Dr. Andi M. Faisal Bakti, M.A., who emphasized that as a country with a majority Muslim population, Indonesia must strengthen Islamic communication, especially in facing contemporary challenges.

Prof. Andi stated that effective communication is essential to harmonize Islamic principles with modern scientific advancements, so that both can coexist harmoniously. “Islam has always supported the progress of the times, encouraging its followers to embrace knowledge and innovation,” Prof. Andi explained.

Prof. Andi added that by promoting strategic communication, Indonesia can become a model in integrating religious beliefs with scientific inquiry, ultimately enriching both fields and contributing to a more cohesive society. “This approach not only deepens the understanding of Islamic values, but also enhances the ability of Muslim communities to engage meaningfully with global developments,” he said.

Then this material presentation session was also presented by the President of Hayrat Foundation Indonesia, Dr. Celal Akar, with the material The Role of Modern Science in Islamic Education and Practice in Turkey. The next speaker was Moh. Syafiq Md Shafii, Lc. M.A Representative of Hayrat Foundation Turkiye in Malaysia, with the material Challenges and Opportunities in Integrating Science with Islamic Teaching.

This international seminar ended with the socialization of scholarship programs initiated by Hayrat Foundation Indonesia. This seminar is expected to increase the collaboration of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Turkey, especially regarding the improvement of Islamic science in the development of world technology.

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(Deden Mauli Darajat/Aida Adha Siregar/Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Muhammad Fahri Afrizal, Hermanudin)

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