UIN Jakarta-Students Hold Campus Socialization at MA Al-Hikmah 1 Brebes
Brebes, UIN News Online - Information Center and Public Relations LP2M UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta - Brebes Regional Student Student Family (KPMDB) commissariat UIN Jakarta collaborates to socialize campus or introduction to campus life for high school students who want to continue their education to UIN Jakarta. This time, KPMDB UIN Jakarta conducted campus socialization to MA Al-Hikmah 1 Brebes.
In their presentation, KPMDB UIN Jakarta students conveyed the academic excellence of UIN Jakarta. One of them, UIN Jakarta is the center of study and research of Islamic academic lecturers and researchers in Indonesia. Others, UIN Jakarta is a state Islamic religious university with the largest number of faculties / study programs, the most professors, and the most A / Excellent accredited study programs.
Furthermore, the KPMDB UIN Jakarta students provided information related to the registration of new student candidates in 2024 and scholarships available at UIN Jakarta.
"UIN Jakarta not only offers scholarship programs available both BLU, KIP-College, and other scholarships. There is also a student exchange program called MORA Overseas Student Mobility Awards (MOSMA) and student awards every year (Student Achievement Awards) which aims to appreciate outstanding students," said Jujun Junaedy, as a student representative of UIN Jakarta, Wednesday (10/01/2024).
The students also seemed enthusiastic listening to the delivery of UIN Jakarta campus profile so that there were many questions from some students, including those related to the programs mentioned earlier and about tips and tricks to pass UIN Jakarta.
The socialization of KPMDB UIN Jakarta students to MA Al Hikmah 1 Brebes was held in collaboration with the Information and Public Relations Center LP2M UIN Jakarta. Zaenal Muttaqien as the Head of Information and Public Relations Center of UIN Jakarta thanked KPMDB UIN Jakarta for helping to socialize UIN Jakarta.
"This is important to shape the image of the campus while introducing UIN Jakarta in various regions," he said. (Zaenal Muttaqien/Aditya Wardhana)