UIN Jakarta Student Declares Anti Hoax Campaign
Main Auditorium, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta students emphasize the strong rejection of false news (hoax) as well as pushing the Police to take firm action against the perpetrators of its distribution. The distribution of false news is considered to be a serious threat to the integrity of the Indonesian nation as a plural nation.
The declaration of false news was made in the 2018 Anti-Hoax Declaration on the Main Auditorium of UIN Jakarta, Friday (04/13/2018). Anti-Hoax declaration itself is done by students together with the Indonesian Police, led by Head of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Agus Rohmat.
"We, UIN Jakarta students, strongly condemn the hoax spreaders, and demand that the perpetrators be arrested and punished weighing," the student cried in the declaration.
The reading of the declaration itself is accompanied by a signature action in a long banner attached on the Main Auditorium page. All students who move on campus UIN Jakarta, directed to join the signature support for eradication of hoax in the country.
In addition, the declaration also urges the public to always check back on any information. Especially if the contents of the information leads to things that offend SARA (Ethnic-Religion-Races).
Wahyudin, student coordinator of UIN Jakarta said that the current state of the nation is increasingly vulnerable to being trapped in social friction. This is due to the increasing number of hoaxes and low public awareness in checking the truth of information.
"Now there are many divisions, between groups and others. Therefore, we invite the community and students unite to maintain unity, by checking every information that is widely circulated in social media, "he said.
Meanwhile, Agus appreciated the students declaring a fake anti-news movement. He hopes this declaration is also accompanied by public education to be more critical in receiving information. "Because the hoax should be fight together and prevent early," he said. (usa)