UIN Jakarta Strengthens Cooperation with 11 MAN PK in Indonesia
Diorama Room, UIN News Online - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with 11 Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Program Keagamaan (MAN PK) throughout Indonesia in Diorama Room, ground floor of Harun Nasution Auditorium Building, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on Monday (5/8/2024). This signing marks a new chapter of cooperation between leading Islamic universities and religious secondary education institutions in the country.
The event began with remarks from MAN PK Jember representative Drs. Anwaruddin M.Si., who emphasized the long process of MAN PK's success. "The results of education in MAN PK do take longer than MAN Insan Cendekia. However, thanks to the hard work of the teachers, many of our alumni are now successful, even in countries such as Egypt, Australia, and others." said the representative. He added his hope that this MoU can help realize the aspirations of MAN PK throughout Indonesia, especially in terms of scholarships.
Next, remarks from the Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., emphasized the importance of character development in addition to knowledge. "What determines in the context of knowledge development is not only background, but also character. Arabic and English language development and character development are very important because these will shape the students by themselves," the rector explained. The Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta also highlighted the excellence of UIN Jakarta in the international arena, especially in the field of religion and encouraged MAN heads not to be discouraged by the quality of their students.
The MoU signing was done sequentially, starting from MAN PK Jember, followed by MAN PK Yogyakarta, Ciamis, Mataram, Jombang, Padang Panjang, Banjar, Makassar, Surakarta, Samarinda, and finally MAN PK Batam. After the signing, the event continued with a group photo session that illustrates the spirit of cooperation between UIN Jakarta and MAN PK throughout Indonesia.
The Head of MAN PK Ciamis, Idan Nurdiana S.Pd., M.Pd., gave a brief presentation on the profiles of the 11 MAN PKs involved in this collaboration. The presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the advantages and characteristics of each MAN PK, ranging from MAN PK Ciamis itself to MAN PK Jember.
In the follow-up discussion session, several crucial issues were raised by MAN PK representatives. MAN PK Jember representatives highlighted the phenomenon of many MAN PK alumni choosing general science majors in college, even though they are funded by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. They also expressed students' concerns regarding the cost of living and the distance to UIN Jakarta.
In response, the Vice Rector of UIN Jakarta stated that this will be an evaluation material to understand why alumni are more interested in continuing to non-Ministry of Religious Affairs universities.
MAN PK Jombang raised the issue of independent pathway with standard UKT for students who did not pass the initial pathway. UIN Jakarta responded by stating the possibility to discuss the UKT again in order to reach an agreement that benefits both parties.
Meanwhile, MAN PK Batam requested guidance for Madrasah Science Competition (KSM) and research, considering the number of competent personnel at UIN Jakarta. Although UIN Jakarta does not have a specific policy for this, the university acknowledges the importance of the program.
The last issue was raised by MAN PK Mataram regarding the timing of UIN's graduation announcement which is later than other public universities. UIN Jakarta explained that this is related to the provisions of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbud) and the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag), and UIN has not been able to provide a special pathway in this regard.
The signing of this MoU is expected to open wider opportunities for MAN PK graduates to continue their education at UIN Jakarta. This collaboration is also projected to strengthen the quality of Islamic education in Indonesia, by combining the academic excellence of UIN Jakarta and the strong religious education tradition of MAN PK.
Through this collaboration, both parties are committed to continuously improving the quality of Islamic education in Indonesia. UIN Jakarta is ready to welcome MAN PK's qualified graduates, while MAN PK hopes to better prepare its students to face the challenges of higher education and the world of work in the future.
The MoU signing ceremony is an important milestone in the effort to advance Islamic education in Indonesia. By combining the strengths of UIN Jakarta as a leading Islamic higher education institution and MAN PK as a leading religious secondary education institution, it is hoped that a generation of Muslims will be born who are not only superior in science, but also strong in character and Islamic values.
Activity Photo:
(Rizkiyah Gustiana Najiullah/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi F./Photo: Muhammad Fahri Afrizal)