UIN Jakarta Socialize Zone of Integrity
Rectorate Building, UIN NEWS Online- Based on Presidential Regulation No. 81/2010 regardinging Grand Design of Bureaucracy Reform which regulates the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform Program and Ministerial Regulation of PAN and RB no. 52 of 2014, on Guidelines for the Development of Integrity Zone Toward a Corruption-Free Territory (WBK) and the Bureaucratic Area of Clean and Serve (WBBM) in the Environment of Government Agencies and KMA Number 186 of 2017 on Guidelines for Implementation of Integrity Zone Development Toward WBK and WBBM Ministry of Religious Affairs UIN Jakarta has prepared strategic measures in the form of strengthening the development of this integrity zone. One of them is through socialization of integrity zone in UIN Jakarta.
This was conveyed by the Head of General Administration and Personnel Bureau, Dr. Rudi Subiantoro M.Si in the event of "Socialization of Integrity Zone UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta" implemented by the Organization, Personnel and Regulation Section in the Diorama room (18/08).
The socialization event which was opened symbolically by the Vice Rector 2, Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid MS, invited the main speaker, H Nurul Badruttaman SAg MA (Head of Sub Division of Itjen Ministry of Religious Affairs), and followed by all officials in UIN Jakarta from echelon 4 to echelon 1. This activity is a confirmation that UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta keep trying to run the acceleration of bureaucracy reform through strengthening integrity zone.
In his presentation, Nurul Badruttamam conveyed the urgency of strengthening the integrity zone and the application filling procedure "Self-Assessment of Integrity Zone Development (PMPZI) which can be accessed through the website address pmpzi.kemenag.go.id. This application comes as a form of self assessment (self assessement) progress of implementation of integrity zone development towards WBK and WBBM, "said Nurul.
Badruttamam also added, the PMPZI form which must be filled include Process Component equal to 60% and Component Result equal to 40%. Process Components (60%) include Change Management (5%), Management Arrangement (5%), Structuring of HR Management System (15%), Strengthening Performance Accountability (10%), Strengthening Supervision (15%), and Improving Quality of Public Service (10%). While for the Output component (40%) includes Clean Government Free of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (20%) and Quality of Public Service (20%). In this context, the most important thing to do immediately is to prepare proof of names and supporting documents on all the points asked in the integrity zone assessment form aforementioned. (usa)