UIN Jakarta Socialize UKT 2018

UIN Jakarta Socialize UKT 2018

Aula Madya, UIN Online NEWS - UIN Jakarta socializes new Single Tuition fee (UKT) for Undergraduate and Professional students of academic year 2018/2019. Socialization is expected to provide proportional information about the amount of liability financing lecture among UIN Jakarta students.

Socialization led directly Vice Rector Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Yusron Razak M.Si accompanied by Head of AAKK Bureau Drs. Zaenal Arifin M.Pd.I and PK Bureau Chief Drs. Subarja M.Pd. Accompanying the heads of departments and sub-heads within the AAKK Bureau and the PK Bureau.

The socialization was attended by University Student Executive Board (DEMA) and faculty. The socialization itself is filled with dialogue and information of UKT implementation.

In his presentation, Zaenal revealed, the provisions of UKT in UIN Jakarta environment refers to the applicable legislation. Among the Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 211 Year 2018 on Single Tuition at State Religious College in the Ministry of Religious Affairs in the academic year 2018-2019.

"This Rector's Decree is a derivative for enforcement in UIN Jakarta," he said.

On the other hand, Subarja explained that the determination of the value and the group of UKT academic year 2018/2019 has also been through the economic calculation of the inflation movement and the calculation of students' tuition fee. "So this is based on the considerations of actual conditions," he said.

Known, UIN Jakarta impose UKT academic year 2018/2019. The enactment of this is set forth in the Rector Decree No. 259 Year 2018 on Single Tuition at Undergraduate Program and Profession in Environment UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta academic year 2018/2019 (http://www.uinjkt.ac.id/en/ukt/).

The Rector's Decree on UKT change signed on 18 April 2018 divides the UKT group into seven groups plus Bidik Misi. The seven groups are applicable to all UIN Jakarta students from enrollment type.

Meanwhile, the students themselves propose that the UKT classification mechanism is flexible by adjusting the economic conditions of the underwriter fees. Chairman of DEMA UIN Jakarta, Ahmad Nabil Bintang, revealed that flexibility aims to adjust the financing obligations with the capacity of students' financial ability.

"To anticipate the change of class, especially for example when the (student's financing, red) abilities are declining. Of course in that condition needs to be re-classified, "he explained.

Vice Chairman of DEMA UIN Jakarta, Adi Raharjo, added that the evaluation of first stage of UKT implementation encourages the flexibility of the classification of UKT if at any time the student's economic condition is experiencing problems. Flexibility is expected to prevent the creation of student lecture constraints due to financing difficulties.

In response, Yusron explained that the implementation of UKT will continue to be improved so that it can provide space for the young generation in getting the best education. According to him, through implementation of UKT students even middle-low economic background can still enjoy education according to ability. (usa)