UIN Jakarta Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia to Promote Legal Strengthening in the Country

UIN Jakarta Signs Memorandum of Understanding with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia to Promote Legal Strengthening in the Country

Main Courtroom, UIN News Online UIN Jakarta signed a memorandum of understanding with the Agency for Policy Strategy and Legal and Judicial Education and Training of the Supreme Court of Indonesia with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the social and legal fields in the Main Courtroom of the Rectorate Building 2nd Floor, on Thursday (10/10/2024).

The signing of this memorandum of understanding was carried out directly by the Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., and the Head of the Policy Strategy Agency for Legal and Judicial Education and Training of the Supreme Court of Indonesia, Bambang H. Mulyono, S.H., M.H., and his staff. Also attending the signing were leaders from each institution.

In addition to the Head of Agency, from the MA RI Policy Strategy Agency, several key officials such as Dr. H. Andi Akram, S.H., M.H., Head of the Center for Legal and Judicial Policy Strategy, and Endang Suryadi, S.Sos., M.M., Head of Publication and Cooperation were also present. While from UIN Jakarta, the Vice Rector for Cooperation Din Wahid M.A. Ph.D., Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Maksum M.A., along with the Vice Deans and Heads of Study Programs were present.

In her speech, the Rector of UIN Jakarta said that the Supreme Court is not a foreign partner for UIN Jakarta, especially considering the existence of the Faculty of Sharia and Law at UIN Jakarta. He emphasized that this collaboration is expected to improve the handling of various social and legal cases in Indonesia through academic collaboration with the Supreme Court. Furthermore, Prof. Asep highlighted the importance of adaptive and creative curriculum development in legal education, which the Supreme Court can encourage as a guide.

“We hope that, with this memorandum of understanding, strengthening collaboration in the field of law will bring real impact to the world of education and also society,” said Prof. Asep. “Curriculum development in accordance with the needs of the times is very important, and we are ready to carry out this cooperation with full commitment.”

Meanwhile, Bambang H. Mulyono, as the Head of Policy Strategy and Education Agency of MA RI, expressed his pride to be able to cooperate with UIN Jakarta. He hopes that UIN Jakarta will be able to produce excellent graduates, both in the social and legal fields, who will contribute greatly to the nation. 

Bambang also emphasized the importance of the real implementation of this collaboration, for example through academic studies of government policies that aim to benefit the wider community.

“We hope that this memorandum of understanding is not just on paper, but is actually implemented through real activities such as more in-depth policy studies for the advancement of law in Indonesia,” he said.

This cooperation is expected to provide benefits for both parties and encourage the improvement of the quality of education and law enforcement in Indonesia.

It is known that the MA RI Policy Strategy and Legal and Judicial Education and Training Agency is an institution under the Supreme Court that focuses on developing policy strategies in the fields of law and justice. This institution is also responsible for improving the competence of the judicial apparatus through targeted training and education programs. With the main task of developing strategic policies and training, this agency plays an important role in maintaining the professionalism and accountability of the judiciary in Indonesia.

Meanwhile, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is one of the leading Islamic universities in Indonesia that has been established since 1957. UIN Jakarta has a vision to become a center for the development of superior and globally competitive Islamic science. Based in Ciputat, South Tangerang, UIN Jakarta offers various study programs in religious and general fields, and strives to become a university that plays an active role in community development through education, research, and service.

Faculty of Sharia and Law as one of the faculties within UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is one of the leading faculties that focuses on the education of Islamic law and positive law. The faculty is committed to producing graduates who not only understand legal aspects in theory, but are also ready to go directly into legal practice at the national and international levels. The faculty has various study programs supported by qualified teaching staff and a curriculum that is continuously updated in accordance with legal developments in Indonesia and the world.

(Aida Adha Siregar/Zaenal Muttaqin/Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Adib Taufiqur'Rachman)

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