UIN Jakarta Set 45 Permanent Lecturer Non-Government Employee (PNS)
Rector Building, UIN NEWS Online--UIN Jakarta stated 45 registrants to pass selection for non-Government Employee (PNS) lecturer acceptance. This decision was stated in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Rector’s decision number 189 the year of 2016 on 18th April 2016. All 45 lecturer placed in 22 study programs.
In the copy of decree of the rector which is received by UIN NEWS Online, Tuesday (19/04), Rector Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA stated, the establishment has started since the date was stated. “This decision applys since the date had been stated†he chimed.
Of all the 22 study programs, most is placed in The Program of Law study with 7 lecturers in total, followed by The Program of Library Study, Islam Communication and Broadcasting, Economy and Development Study, and Prodi Tadris PGRA with 3 lecturer each.
Next, The Program of English Language and Literature, Syariah Banking Study, English Education Study, Biology Education Study, Nursing Study, Society Health Study, Agribusiness Study, Mathematics Study, and Assessment Islam Study (S3) with 2 lecturers each.
Also followed by The Program of International Relation Study, Politics Study, English Education Study (S2), Physics Education Study, Chemistry Education Study, PGMI Education Study, Chemistry Study, and Assessment of Islam Study with 1 lecturer each.
The head of General Administration and Employee Affair Dra. Hj. Reti Indrasih stated that lecturer non-Government Employee (PNS) admission is based on each program’s necessity can not be fullfilled through Government Employee (PNS) system. Refering to regulation such as constitution on civilian state officials and Ministry of Religion permission, UIN Jakarta opened formation on permanent lecturer in order to cover the necessity. (Translated by: Ihsan/Amanda)