UIN Jakarta Selecting Non-PNS
Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN NEWS Online-- Plan to implement a competency test for the formation of 104 applicants non Fulltime Civil employees (PNS) UIN Jakarta who have qualified in the administrative selection Harun Nasution Auditorium, Tuesday-Wednesday (02-03/02). Participants who pass the test will be able to complete the formation of 41 non-civil employees tenured at the faculty in 25 courses (Prodi) on 11 Faculties and Graduate schools of UIN Jakarta.
Head of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (Bureau AUK) Dra Hj Reti Indarsih which met after the opening of the selection of said test competence, was part of a selection applied in filtering UIN Jakarta suitably, qualifying lecturers are set. "Based on the scoring, the selected lecturers will be exactly qualified in their field," he said.
Reti added, tenured faculty appointments for Non-civil employees (lecturers) based on needs of each study program that cannot be met by the receipts of the professor of civil employees. Referring to regulations such as the Law on State Civil Apparatus and permits the Ministry of Religious Affairs, UIN Jakarta will open the formation of Non-tenured faculties of civil employees in order to cover those needs.
"On average Prodi gave one lecturer a quota. The rest of the lecturers remain non-civil employees, "he added.
Prodi noted some opportunities for non-tenured faculty applicants include civil employees Education English (S1-S2), Biology Education, and Agra. Then, the Jurisprudence, Islamic Broadcasting & Communication, Economics and Development Studies, Agribusiness, and Islamic Studies (S2-S3).
On the same occasion, Vice Chancellor of the Academic Affairs Dr. Fadilah Suralaga M.Si revealed, the opening the formation of permanent lecturers Non-civil employees are expected to cover needs in almost every Prodi lecturer at UIN Jakarta. However, due to limitations of the allowed quota of ministries, UIN Jakarta can only receive 41 permanent lecturers non-civil employees.
"Looking at the profile of applicants, only an average registrant had the qualifications expected. And due to the limitation of funds not all of the applicants that qualified are accepted, I apologize to those applicants that qualified but weren’t accepted," he said.
NEWS to the University, some applicants interested in teaching at the University UIN Jakarta. Scientific development policies whom pursued UIN Jakarta is the reason that there was a selection policy of the majority of applicants. Rizaluddin Robinson, one of the producers of national films as well as alumni of the Faculty of Da'wa IAIN Jakarta (now, UIN Jakarta, red.) Interested in teaching in the hope of many with the students of UIN Jakarta about the world of cinematography. (Translated by Ihsan/Safee Peters)