UIN Jakarta Scout Provides Donation to Orphans and Elderly Widows
Bogor, UIN News Online – Scout Movement of Gugus Depan Kota Jakarta Selatan 07.075-07.076 UIN Jakarta provides donation to at least 40 orphans and 30 elderly widows at Tamansari Village, Rumpin Sub-district, Bogor Regency, West Java on April 9-15, 2018. Donations is given in forms of money and some basic commodities such as rice, cooking oil, and wheat.
Provision of donation is done at the closing ceremony held in Tamansari village majelis taklim. In addition to the provision of donation, the event is also filled with prizes from various competitions held a few days earlier.
Community Development Program (Bimas) is an annual routine agenda held by the Scout Movement of UIN Jakarta, especially by its new members. The program is part of the education process of new members to reach the Pandega Scout level. This year, the number of new members reached 48 people.
Chairman of Dewan Racana Dery Gowang said, Bimas event for new members became one of the leading agenda for UIN Jakarta Scout program. Participants perform community service during the week by homestay.
“During their stay, the participants were also asked to help the daily activities of the residents,” said Dery.
According to Dery, community service activities are important to the Penegak-Pandega Scout. This is because they are already considered as mature enough in terms of mental and physical. The tasks and responsibilities of these groups are quite huge, so their activities have to be oriented to the community.
“Penegak-Pandega scout activities must be in the middle of community, doing problem solving and even research,” he added.
During the event, scout of UIN Jakarta provide guidance and counseling, social activities and worship, as well as physical activities in the form of making garbage cans, street signs, painting the house of worship, and open the cheap and affordable bazaar. (usa)