UIN Jakarta Scout Holds the Course for Prospective Coach
Madya Hall, UIN NEWS Online - UIN Jakarta Scout Movement held an Advanced Basic Level Guidance Course (KMD). Scouting courses for prospective coaches last for six days, on 24-26 August 2018 (indoor activities) at UIN Jakarta campus and on 31 August 2018-1-2 September 2018 (outdoor activities) in the tourist area of Situ Gintung, Ciputat.
The KMD course is attended by at least 66 participants, consisting of participants from both on campus and off campus. The participants also not only have student status but also teachers from schools in the Greater Jakarta area.
According to the Chairman of the Racana Board Lina Fitriani to UIN NEWS on Monday (09/03/2018), the KMD event was aimed at providing supplies to prospective coaches who would serve in the Gugus Depan (front-cluster) in various education units. While for students, the course is also to obtain a certificate of companion diploma (SKPI) according to the demands of the new curriculum based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI).
"Currently UIN Jakarta has implemented the NQF, therefore students need to be given a SKPI for life after college," She said.
Lina added, the course trainers came from the South Jakarta Scout Movement Education and Training Center. While the material provided is an integration between cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects, namely scouting skills.
"The activities are in the form of classroom materials (indoor), such as scouting theories, also practices in the field (outdoor), such as pioneering, training ceremonies, and camping," She explained.
The targets in the provision of the material are the students in the standby groups, raisers, enforcers and Pandegas. Because, the scout coaching process as students relies on the four groups.
Lina hopes that after attending the course, the participants can apply their knowledge, skills, and experience well to future students. (usa)