UIN Jakarta Research Center Successfully Holds Kick-Off for 2024 BLU Research Grant

UIN Jakarta Research Center Successfully Holds Kick-Off for 2024 BLU Research Grant

Diorama Room, UIN News Online The Center for Research and Publishing (Puslitpen) under the Institute for Research and Community Service (LP2M) UIN Jakarta successfully held a socialization of research cost assistance (kick off) BLU 2024 for UIN Jakarta lecturers who want to conduct research in the Diorama Room on the ground floor of the Harun Nasution Auditorium, on Wednesday (18/9/24).

This event took place with the aim of implementing the Decree of the Director General of Islamic Education Number 6571 of 2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for Research Assistance Programs Based on Output Cost Standards at Islamic Religious Universities for Fiscal Year 2024.

Head of Research and Publishing Center (Puslitpen) UIN Jakarta, Dr. Siti Ummi Masruroh, M.Sc., said that this research assistance program is intended for lecturers and students who want to participate in conducting research as a form of academic sustainability at UIN Jakarta.

“The main purpose of this research cost assistance program is to facilitate lecturers and students who wish to conduct research, in order to encourage the development of science and innovation on campus,” said the Head of Puspitlen UIN Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the budget for research assistance costs in 2024 amounts to Rp. 4,575,452,000. With these grants, said Ummi, it is expected to be channeled in a planned and appropriate manner to the beneficiaries.

This research cost assistance program is divided into three types of research clusters, namely capacity building research, basic research, and development research. Capacity building research focuses on improving the competence of novice researchers, both lecturers and students, to strengthen basic research skills. Basic research aims to explore new theories and concepts that can enrich science. Meanwhile, development research is designed to produce innovations or products that are of practical benefit to society and the academic environment. 

The special requirement for recipients of this funding assistance is that they have never received research funding assistance from the Ministry of Religious Affairs work unit, to ensure that support is given to new researchers who have the potential to develop their research.

One of the recipients of BLU 2024 research assistance, Head of UIN Jakarta Journal House Center, Dr. Saifuddin Asrori, M.Si., stated that this program is very helpful for researchers in developing their contribution to the advancement of the academic environment. 

“This financial assistance program really supports us as researchers to continue participating in building a productive academic atmosphere. The results of our research will also be distributed to students, so that they can have a direct impact on the quality of education and innovation on campus,” explained the lecturer of the Sociology Study Program of FISIP UIN Jakarta.

Then this event was continued with the collection of files for researchers who will continue in the next process, namely the implementation of research in August-December 2024.

(Aida Adha Siregar/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Fauziah M.)

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