UIN Jakarta Ready to Participate in Religious Moderation Community Service Program in Kuningan, West Java
Ciputat, UIN Online News - The Community Service Center (PPM) of UIN Jakarta will send five students to participate in the 2024 Religious Moderation Community Service (KKN) program initiated by the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag RI) in Kuningan, West Java.
The Religious Moderation KKN is an annual program aimed at Islamic State Higher Education Institutions (PTKIN) across Indonesia. This program is expected to be a strategic step in promoting diversity within differences.
Kaula Fahmi, M.Hum., the coordinator of UIN Jakarta’s KKN, stated that UIN Jakarta has been allocated five spots by Kemenag RI. "This year, approximately 93 students applied for the Religious Moderation KKN at UIN Jakarta, and we selected 5 participants," said Kaula Fahmi in an interview at the PPM UIN Jakarta office on Monday (10/06/2024).
The Religious Moderation KKN is exclusively for universities under Kemenag RI. Kaula Fahmi added that this year’s host for the Religious Moderation KKN is UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
The selected participants from UIN Jakarta are Lutfia Salsabila Putri Afifa from the Sharia Economics program, Azelia Syifa Wellantari from the International Relations program, Ariiq Rifqi Rastyaputra from the Islamic Studies program, Asri Oktaviana Ningrum from the English Literature program, and Cut Siti Safia from the Family Law program.
The work program (proker) for the Religious Moderation KKN varies annually according to the location. Generally, the locations are chosen based on their need for awareness and tolerance regarding diversity.
One of the 2024 Religious Moderation KKN participants, Asri Oktaviana Ningrum, mentioned that preparations include starting to communicate with fellow KKN participants from various campuses. “In addition to waiting for further information from PPM UIN Jakarta, I also seek information from friends outside the campus,” she said in a WhatsApp interview on Tuesday (18/06/2024).
The benefits of participating in the Religious Moderation KKN include facilities such as accommodation, transportation costs, and a stipend for each participant. “So all expenses are covered by Kemenag and the university,” said Asri.
The Religious Moderation KKN will take place from mid-July to the end of August 2024. Asri hopes to gain extensive experience and connections, and to spread benefits to create a complete and peaceful community life.
(Nala Zakina Zuhaida/Fauziah Muslimah/Noeni Indah Sulistiyani/Faadhilati Idris)