UIN Jakarta Quality Assurance Expert is awarded Professor title
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Quality Assurance Expert of UIN Jakarta, Achmad Syahid, succeeded in reaching the peak of his academic career as a Professor of Islamic Thought. This achievement is based on the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture decree Number 69107 year 2020 concerning on the Promotion of Academic / Functional Positions for Lecturers.
Contacted by UIN News Online, Monday (09/01/2020), Achmad expressed his gratitude for the support he had received. He hopes that this achievement can maintain his motivation to be more productive in producing various academic works. “Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the support,” he said.
With this achievement, Achmad Syahid has increased the number of professors at UIN Jakarta, which has continued to increase in the last two years.. Previously, several lecturers had also reached the peak of their academic careers as professors such as Professor Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif (Islamic Economics), Professor Euis Amalia (Sharia Economics), Professor Amelia Fauzia (Islamic History), Professor Sri Mulyati (Sufism), Professor Ali Munhanif (Politics), and Professor Amilin (Accounting).
Professor Syahid is a lecturer at the Psychology Masters Program, Faculty of Psychology of UIN Jakarta. He teaches a number of subjects such as Human Philosophy, Islamic Philosophy, Science and Logic Philosophy, Sufism Morals, Social Psychology.
The man who was born in Banyuwangi in 1968 completed his undergraduate education at IAIN Sunan Ampel. Furthermore, he completed his master and doctoral education at the graduate school (SPs) UIN Jakarta.
Apart from teaching and being a resource person in a number of academic conferences, he also writes a dozens of scientific papers, journals and books. Some of his books are Dunia Imaginal Ibnu’arabi: Kreativitas Imajinasi dan Persoalan Diversitas Agama (2001, penerjemah), Pemikiran Politik dan Tendensi Kuasa Raja Ali Haji (2009), and Islam Nusantara: Relasi Agama Budaya dan Tendensi Kuasa Ulama (2019).
In addition, Professor Shahid also has a concern about quality assurance in educational institutions. In addition to a number of works that address issues of educational quality, he often provides assistance to improve the quality of higher education institutions. Previously, he was once entrusted to lead the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) of UIN Jakarta. (usa/zm)