UIN Jakarta Public Health Study Program Study Achieves 11 National Award Certificates
Makassar, UIN News Online – Exciting news comes from UIN Jakarta Public Health Study Program. At the national conference of Indonesian Higher Education for Public Health Institution (AIPTKMI), this study program successfully achieved 11 National Award Certificates which were announced on Tuesday night, at Four Points Hotel by Sheraton, Makassar, South Sulawesi, (11/1).
It was said by the head of UIN Jakarta Public Health study program Fajar Ariyanti MKes PhD after achieving the awards which are based on the result of Indonesia Public Health Bachelor Competency (UKSKMI) conducted in 2015 and 2016.
“Alhamdulillah, baarakallah for the entire academic community of UIN Jakarta Public Health study program. Thanks for all the hard work of students and lecturers, hopefully, we can continue to obtain more achievements.†Said Fajar Ariyanti to UIN News Online through e-mail, Thursday, (11/3).
She added that this is an important point to demonstrating the outstanding achievement of UIN Jakarta Public Health Study Program on the national scale.
“Hopefully, we can maintain all the achievements and can be a source of inspiration for other study programs in UIN Jakarta.†She added.
For information, UKSKMI program is held annually and attended by more than 85 higher education institutions of Public Health throughout Indonesia. This event is intended to ensure the ability of Public Health graduates in Indonesia. (fa/mf/ika p/umar)