UIN Jakarta Provides International and Domestic Academic Research Presentation for Lecturer and Researcher

UIN Jakarta Provides International and Domestic Academic Research Presentation for Lecturer and Researcher

[caption id="attachment_15827" align="alignleft" width="300"] Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA while giving a speech at the 103rd Graduation Ceremony at at Harun Nasution Auditorium, Campus I UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 95, Ciputat, South Tangerang.[/caption]

Main Auditorium, UIN NEWS Online— In order to take UIN Jakarta’s tagline into realization in 2017, on Globality side, we give opportunity for the lecturer and researcher who wants to present their research result on Domestic and International scale through the International Conference Travel Grant program.

That was conveyed by  Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof Dr Dede Rosyada MA in is speech on the event of the 103rd Graduation at Auditorium Harun Nasution, Sunday (19/02).

He also added, this year, UIN jakarta also orgaized several programs that are expected to strengthen academic tradition. One of the program is Professor acceleration program which is targeted to be participated by about 20 lecturers during the year. Known that the presence of professor in higher education institution is the main asset in developing the science.

“For the visiting professor and research fellowship program, the mechanism is to send our professor ans lecturer to do their research in the world’s best university.  Vice Versa, through the same mechanism, we also inviting selected professor and lecture-researcher to lecture and research in this campus,” he said.

On autonomy side, according to the rector, UIN Jakarta is expected to be an autonomous university. To be autonomed is needed to further progress on the acceleration of academic development and institution.

“For this aspect, one of our endeavors is accelerating the transformaton process to achieve Public University as Legal Entity (PTN BH).  Government Regulation No. 58 Year 2013, defined PTN BH as Public Higher Education Institution with autonomous legal subject,” explained the Professor on Edcation Methodology.

In the end of his speech, Rector also explained the last point of 2017 UIN Jakarta Tagline, which is Humanity. “One of our endeavors was getting several study programs accredited by ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). With this accreditation, it is expected that our graduate is well received in ASEAN market.  We hope this year and the following year, the amount of study programs accredited by AUN-QA will continuously increasing, last year there are four study programs accredited by AUN-QA Islamic Guidance, History of Islamic Civilization, Islamic Studies, and Islamic Education,”  Dede explained.

Still on the Humanity aspect, Dede contnued, is a form of emphasizing UIN Jakarta commitment to give big opportunity for the high achieving student or the ones with less fortunate background. The mechanism for this idea executed through scholarship opportunities, both through UIN Jakarta annual budget and charity institutions which distributed through UIN Jakarta students.

On the occassion, the rector also congratulated the graduates, their parents, and the scholarship giver for the sucess of their child in finishing the study at UIN Jakarta. Rector hoped, everything obtained during studying at this campus, can be useful for future life. Both for themselves, their families, the environment, as well as homeland, nation and religion. (rs)