UIN Jakarta Provides a Quota of 184 Seats for SMM-PTN Barat Enrollment
Rectorate, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta allocates at least 184 seats or approximately 30 percent for SMM-PTN Barat enrollment type. The number of seat quotas is spread across 26 general study programs offered. The UIN Jakarta PR release on Monday (03/21/2022) stated that according to Rector’s Decree No. 28, 2022, the quota provided for SMM-PTN Barat is 184 seats or 30 percent of the total new student admissions. The number of quotas for the SMM-PTN Barat is less than the other four enrollment types.
The study programs offered at UIN Jakarta include the Science and Technology (Saintek) group with a total of 14 study programs and Social Humanities (Soshum) with a total of 12 study programs.
The details of the quota for the Science and Technology group include 6 seats for Agribusiness Study Program, Informatics Engineering Study Program (6 seats), Information Systems Study Program (5 seats), Mathematics Study Program (4 seats), Biology Study Program (4 seats), Chemistry Study Program (6 seats), Physics Study Program (4 seats), Public Health study program (6 seats), Pharmacy study program (6 seats), Nursing Science study program (6 seats), Phycisian Education study program (3 seats), Chemistry Education study program (5 seats), Mathematics Education study program (5 seats) ), and Mining Engineering study program (4 seats).
Meanwhile for Soshum group, Accounting study program has 8 seats, Economics and Development study program (6 seats), International Relations study program (6 seats), Journalism study program (24 seats), Psychology study program (10 seats), Management study program (8 seats), Social Welfare study program (18 seats), Sociology study program (6 seats), Legal Studies study program (8 seats), Library Science study program (7 seats), Political Science study program (6 seats), and English Language and Literature study program (7 seats).
As is known, the SMM PTN-West is a joint selection system which is participated by 25 PTNs in the western part of Indonesia. This selection system is open to prospective students graduating from SMA/MA/SMK or equivalent and package C majoring in Science and Social Sciences.
In this pathway, prospective students can choose as many as two choices of study programs at one or more PTN. The order in the selection of study programs states the priority of choice.
The SMM-PTN Barat selection will be held on June 30-14 July 2022 offline through the Computer-Based Written Examination (UTBK). The location of the exam is chosen based on the location of the closest PTN to the prospective student. (ns/usa)